Due to the weather!


New Member
Nov 9, 2001
Lift your filters!

Hey gang,

Just a quick one, to those of you who have your filters located down south. It might be a good idea if you relocate during the heavy rains. No sense hydro-locking your motors.:(
Gay, whatchoo talkin' bout? Your GN is *always* in the garage, raining or not.:D
Come to think of it, mine too.:rolleyes:

Hey Steve,

Long time no see! Haven't seen you around in the yard for awhile! I was working on the 715 this past week. Hope to see you again soon at our next tech session!!!:D :D
When you work on the 698, stop by and say Hi. I'm the ERO Coordinator on the 698. My car is usually parked in my spot over by the cafeteria near the NSRO spots near the turnstile...
