Dual SPAL fans installation


New Member
May 24, 2001
I just purchased spal dual fans and was wondering how to install it? I just noticed it will not install like the OEM piece. Do I have to purchase or modify brackets to get it to fit?
Which dual spals? Did you get it from ramchargers? I just got mine from ramchargers and installed it last weekend. I had to use a dremel and cut off the four mounting ears. Then it fit perfectly between the radiator end tanks and I drilled a couple holes in the top and bottom of the fan casing and tie wrapped the fans in place. I also didn't bother with ramchargers connectors. I simply wired the old connector from the OEM fan into the wires for the spals. Works GREAT. Just connect ground lead to ground lead and al lother leads together (I don't use slow speed fans. I want them on high whenever they are on here in Hawaii)...

I can't post pictures so I will try to describe it. When I purchased mine about 1-1/2years ago I got the three metal rods to mount them on.
Basically each rod is about 1/2" wide and about 4-5 inches longer than the fans.
Mount one rod at each end and one in the middle of the fans. Then trim the rods that stick about the fans so that the fan is centered to the radiator. The bottom end sits inside the tray behind the radiator and the top rods can be screwed or tie wraped to the top radiator cover.
Your email wasn't listed or I would have emailed some pictures.

purchased these fans through Hartline performance that came with the casper electronics plug.
The fans I have seen from Ramchargers appeared to be a different brand from Spal.

You simply have to make four simple brackets to bolt to the Spal shroud and to the upper and lower radiator supports.

I used some aluminum bar (1/8" thick by 1 " wide) that I got at Home Depot.
I think so...I will look...may not be the best....if they are on this machine, I will send them to you.