Dual ray DVD-R's

Not me. But I do have a burner, and I see that CompUSA has 25 for $100, so they're finally coming down in price.
I have a dual-layer burner but so far all my movies that I have copied (for archival purposes) have all fit on a single layer.

I have not bought any dual-layer DVD's as they were 8 bucks a pop but that price seems better so I think I may now.
It would be nice though to back up an entire movie on a blue ray disc rather than shrink it and loose some of the quality on a 4.7 gig disc.
It's actually not a bad idea (and a cheap one too) to "back up" DVDs onto 2 discs. 8x DVD+Rs can be had for $20 for a 50 pack. Just get the right program and you can trim out all the fat (menus, special features, subtitles, director's commentary) and you'll only need to slightly compress the DVD to the point at which our eyes can't discern any difference from the original.
Thats a good idea about backing up 2 movies on one disc, I would probabpy only to that to movies with sequals, lke LOTR1-2-3 or Matrix 1-2-3.
It's the other way around - 1 movie to 2 discs. If you put 2 movies on 1 disc, you'll lose A LOT of the quality of the original.