Drinking Methanol?


1 of 1555 (#1489)
Apr 19, 2006
Found this interesting article, :confused:

"Deadly moonshine kills 30 in Nicaragua
Police have stepped up raids on bars and liquor stores throughout the city of Leon in Nicaragua, in a bid to halt the sale of a cane sugar liquor containing methanol. So far 30 people have died and 100 were admitted to hospital overnight, for methanol related poisoning.

Because of a lack of medical supplies, the public hospital in Leon is handing out shots of high quality Flor de Cana rum as an antidote to methanol poisoning.

Authorities have raided 312 outlets so far and seized 47,893 liters of the homemade moonshine, called "Aquardiente".

As the moonshine only sells for a dollar a liter, many of those affected were the poor."