Drag Racing You decide?


Snake Killer
May 26, 2001
Got my first drag racing ticket last night worst thing was I wasn't racing the girl.Riding thru town last night with a Friend of mine when we pull along side a flamed out Honda.As we were leaving the light I noticed A loud sound coming from the honda sounded like TURBO to me. Well.... as we come to the next light the guy in the passenger seat and I talk.We exchange the turbo talk and the light turns Green!
Alright I'm going to back up for more content .Earlier we made some runs with my newly installed thrasher while we were (as our women thinks were going to get some sodas from the store run)out.The car was running good at 18psi no knock when about the third pass the Torque converter starts locking.Bamm 6 points of knock but no problem just let out and obviously something is wrong with the torque converter lock up valve At this point we quit and went to the store.
Meanwhile car was shifting like it had some terrible shift kit in it.Coming back from the store was whem it happened! Green light comes on and I pull from the traffic light moderately(GQ look) but not to the foot to the floor for pete's sake! When all I hear is what sounds like a swarm of pissed off bees going by me. They spun all the way thru first into the rev limiter missed 2nd banged the rev limiter again and went on up the road .In pace was state patrol.
We continue about a quarter to a half of a mile around a curve where state patrol and honda are stopped, well as you know by now the officer had the road blocked for me. Officer gets out and starts raising cain on me but points me to go around the front of the honda and park.She the state patrol woman gives me a ticket for drag racing and lets me go .The people in the honda were'nt so lucky.My friend in the car was a bail bondsman lucky for me I did'nt have to use him!
You sould have challanged the cop to a race. If he wins he can give you a ticket if you win (proving that you wern't "racing" the honda) you could walk away free. Hey officer I was just acclerating normaly that honda might have been racing but I sure wasn't.

Black Sabbath
The officer was a woman I definately did'nt want to challenge her although I probably should have.Oh well she'll get her day in court and I'll have a good lawyer and a witness.
take that receipt you got from the store & show the judge you wasn't with these guys when they were racing, the judge show look at the time on the receipt & the time the ticket was issued & hopefully throw this ticket out. ill fight that B.S. ticket. :(
Tell the Judge you were so wasted on Wild Turkey that you dont recolect even being there , so it must have not happened. seriously i dont think the witness is going to be much help for you , you may be able to get it reduced to a lesser offense with a Lawyer though.
Thanks for all the replies.I think the lawyer thing will probably help me get a lesser fine just don't think it's fair!
Hey TNTTA, i'm from the Nashville area and i've been nailed on drag-racin before by THP.
I hate to break the bad news to ya but in the state of TN drag-racin is a steeper offense than a DUI. At least with a DUI you can have a restricted DL but with a drag charge you can't!!:mad: :mad:
That's how retarted our laws are.

Best of luck to ya, hope that lawyer can get it reduced or dismissed but either way FIGHT-IT!!
I feel bad for ya...

I've never had a ticket for drag racing, but I've seen 'em happen. If I were to get that ticket I don't know what I'd be more mad about. The getting a ticket for drag racing or somebody actually accusing you of wasting your time on those things. :) If I get a ticket for street racing, I want it to be worth a decent car at least. :)

Good luck to ya.
im pretty sure that in texas, street racing and DUI are basically one in the same.

Get a lawyer and read the statute so you can understand exactly what you've been charged with. Determining whether someone is "drag-racing" is pretty subjective - not like running a redlight or speeding. I would think a good lawyer can get it knocked down or thrown out. Afterall, a ricer "racing" is the same as our normal, part throttle launch from a light. The fact that the rice-mobile was making all kinds of noise doesn't mean YOU were racing.

Good luck,
Originally posted by TNTTA
Thanks for all the replies.I think the lawyer thing will probably help me get a lesser fine just don't think it's fair!

Lesser fine? If you are indeed innocent then you should accept nothing less than no fine.

A "lesser" fine still means a conviction and you'll be paying for it for a long time through your insurance company.