Do wee need to use low pressure drop tranny cooler?


New Member
Sep 2, 2002
OK, so generally speaking bigger is better on coolers, but on the B&M site, the racing coolers do not have the low pressure drop feature, do we need this feature or should I just go with the biggest thing I can fit on the car? I am considering the B&M 70274 see
Tranny Coolers

Hey Lizt,
Is that BM cooler part# the Bar plate design or is it the S tube design? I noticed a lot of the OEMs are the Bar style design. I recently bought the a Hydan 3/4x7 1/2x 11 Bar plate for my LS1 but i also have a S tube stlye same size. I think the Bar plate would be efficient because it uses the same theory of cooling like our radiators. I won't think the low pressure drop would be that big of an issue since the oil is returning to the tranny. Maybe one of the tranny experts could chime in.
its a stacked plate design, more efficient the S tube and fin design. The one I am considering is 11X11X1 1/2. The guys at Summit claim the low pressure drop assure flow keeps up with demand, did not really understand that statement.