dipstick tube lenth difference, need advice


New Member
May 26, 2001
I've always wondered why my GN only takes 4 3/4 quarts of oil on an oil change with the PF52 filter versus 5 3/4 quarts for the T. I always warm the engine up and remove the oil filter first before dropping the oil pan plug. Both dipsticks are identical. Same length, same part number, and I get the same engine oil level interchanging the dipsticks.

Took some measurements on the dipstick tube length today with a tape measure. On the T, the length from the top of the tube to the shoulder where the tube enters the block is 16" to 16 1/4". The length from the top of the tube to the weld point where the tube is attached to the bracket is 2 1/4". On the GN, the dipstick tube measured the same way is 15". The distance from the top of the tube to the bracket weld point is 1 1/8" to 1 1/4". Apparantly, the top section of the dipstick tube on the GN is about 1" shorter than the T. This would make the dipstick set 1" lower in the pan and make the oil level read about a quart low.

Can anyone else check one of these dimensions on their car? Is it possible that I've been driving the GN basically one quart low on oil? Should I just fill the car with 5 1/2 to 5 3/4 quarts of oil and let the dipstick read about and inch above the full mark?
since esentialy they are the same exact motor i would stand to believe your problem is in the dipstick length difference.my dipstick is 16"also so you should be putting in 5 3/4 quarts in both.has the dipstick ever been change that you know of?

I'm not aware if the dipstick tube was ever changed, but I've only owned the car for about 18 months.