Customer Service has gone to hell!


Serenity Now
Aug 11, 2002
When you're shopping at some of the major stores this weekend stop and notice how you get treated. I'm sick and tired of dealing with employees that don't give a rip. So what you're making 7 bucks and hour, help somebody. A friend of ours got a POS product from a homecenter and noticed that it was a previously returned product with half the contents missing. When she took it back to the store they only offered her 10% off. Last I checked that doesn't compute.

I've been rebuilding my home so I've spent over 100k in the past 6 months at stores, and I'm about ready to move to Alaska, get an ax, and turn into a non-bombing Ted Kazenski. I really always thought Henry David Therou was full of crap, but I need to get away from it all. :mad:
I pretty much buy everything online, including groceries.

Its funny really, they went to the interview, they talked the talk to get the job. Then they complain about the pay and that they have to work on Friday instead of going to a party.

The best is when they are scheduled to work at 4 PM and show an hour late claiming they overslept. :p
Try going to McDonalds inside and get cow eyes instead of "may I take your order" and "thank you". Way to go James, you got me fired up about the bugger eaters of society again!
BISHIR is right. There are very few knowledgeable & service-motivated employees in most stores today.


Where is the "SERVICE" in our service economy? :confused:

I work at one of the major stores, specifically Home Depot in the electrical department, but I know most of all of the other departments. I have been working there for two years now to pay my way through college. I work really hard to help customers with their needs.

However it is really hard to help customers when they are being complete pricks. I have been talked to like I am dirt, yelled at, and cussed out. I have customers demand to stop what I am doing and help them. I tell them I am sorry that I cannot drop what I am doing right now and help you but I have other customers waiting on me at the moment but will be with you as soon as I can. This is not a good enough answer for them.

Actually I am making $8.76 an hour, I love the 3% raises.

"A friend of ours got a POS product from a homecenter and noticed that it was a previously returned product with half the contents missing. When she took it back to the store they only offered her 10% off. Last I checked that doesn't compute."

That happens, one of the reasons that happens is that a customer will buy a product, get the pieces they need to complete the project and then return it and the returns person did not catch it. Or they buy a lawn mower for example, and beat the crap out of it and return it. I am sorry but we are not a tool rental place.

I really like the part where customers treat me like I have no idea what I am talking about because I am too young to know anything about electricity. Never mind that I have had four or five engineering classes dealing with electricity and have done various wiring projects.

I work hard and will go beyond the call of duty, to help a customer. I have been tipped a few times, I niether asked or expect one. Once I was tipped a six pack of beer.

Here is a a customer story. A lady brought back a vaccum cleaner and has no reciept, she wanted a refund. Okay fine, but we can only do store credit, since there is no reciept. If she can find her reciept we can give her cash. She starts cussing and yelling and then leaves with her vaccum cleaner. A hour later her husband calls and starts cussing us out for not taking back the vaccum cleaner, we explain the situation to him. He says "oh." and hangs up.

I am sorry that you are getting bad service, but it helps if you are nice to the person. I am not saying that you are not, but it helps. I am just trying to offer the other side of the story. I do not want you to feel that this is an attack. I will be more than willing to discuss it further.


I have never called in sick to any job. However one time I lost all oil pressure in my pick up three hundred miles away and needed time to change the oil pump.

Red Regal T,

No thank you I do not need to be brain washed. I can think for myself and do not need Big Brother to babysit me.
I've worked retail in the past and at resturants and I had my fair share of rude customers. However, it's your JOB to be nice to all of them like it or not. Of course, in extremes their could be exceptions.

I'm not kidding, I've spend almost 100k in the past 6 months at these stores and I've been to both enought that they recognize my son now. It's been screwup after screwup. I had to replace my lower cabinets b/c I had to buy Craftmade to match I was stuck going to a HD or Lowes. Anyways, Lowes pissed me off so much I went to HD and the manager at HD's cabinet department was a complete jackass. Special order door took 8 weeks when it was suppose to be 3-4. When it does get in, they can't find it.

Then tonight, I was looking for someting at Lowes and not once did I get asked if I needed help. 400 dollars later I left angry because I didn't get everything I wanted and have no other choice between dumb and dumber in this place. The family owned hardware store has just as bad service now, becuase they have some 10 brain cell girls working cash register and you're lucky to get a look rather than a thank you.

Then Best Buy wouldn't take back unopened speaker wire the other day because I was 1 day over their 30 day return policy! WTF! It's unopened, I have the reciept what's the big deal!?!? The manager said there was nothing he could do. LOL! Yeah right! :rolleyes:
Guess what BEST BUY! I'm about to buy a 4k dollar TV and I'm not going to you! NOpe, Circuit City gets my money this time, and if they piss me off, I'll get a fish tank and watch that. I shouldn't be spending that money anyways.

Oh, and the Indian Customer Service Reps!


^^ What I'm going to name my boat if I ever get one.

Originally posted by 68 stang
However it is really hard to help customers when they are being complete pricks. I have been talked to like I am dirt, yelled at, and cussed out. I have customers demand to stop what I am doing and help them. I tell them I am sorry that I cannot drop what I am doing right now and help you but I have other customers waiting on me at the moment but will be with you as soon as I can. This is not a good enough answer for them.
I understand your frustration but that's no excuse to provide bad service to good customers. Treat customers according to how they treat you, don't take it out on other innocent shoppers. That's called professionalism.

Originally posted by 68 stang
Actually I am making $8.76 an hour, I love the 3% raises.
I'm sure you're holding what's called "an entry level job" and as you said you're working your way through college. This type of pay is expected. I suspect you'll make much more after you get your college degree and utilize that.

Originally posted by 68 stang
"A friend of ours got a POS product from a homecenter and noticed that it was a previously returned product with half the contents missing. When she took it back to the store they only offered her 10% off. Last I checked that doesn't compute."

That happens, one of the reasons that happens is that a customer will buy a product, get the pieces they need to complete the project and then return it and the returns person did not catch it. Or they buy a lawn mower for example, and beat the crap out of it and return it. I am sorry but we are not a tool rental place.
It sounds like poor store policy that allows that to happen. If a customer attempts to return an item in obviously used condition it should not be accepted back...end of story. So they leave pissed off, so what. They bought it, they used it. Better they leave mad than a NEW customer buying their used garbage. Then again that's either poor store policy or poor management.

Originally posted by 68 stang
I really like the part where customers treat me like I have no idea what I am talking about because I am too young to know anything about electricity. Never mind that I have had four or five engineering classes dealing with electricity and have done various wiring projects.
As they say "the customer's always right". No sense in arguing with them. Simply suggest the correct item/product and if they don't accept your suggestions then point them to the item they think is best and direct them to the checkout....with a smile! Either way, you're being paid to provide a service regardless if the customer takes your advice.

Originally posted by 68 stang
Here is a a customer story. A lady brought back a vaccum cleaner and has no reciept, she wanted a refund. Okay fine, but we can only do store credit, since there is no reciept. If she can find her reciept we can give her cash. She starts cussing and yelling and then leaves with her vaccum cleaner. A hour later her husband calls and starts cussing us out for not taking back the vaccum cleaner, we explain the situation to him. He says "oh." and hangs up.
Store policy should be "No receipt - no return - NO EXCEPTIONS!" If they get out of line cussing and yelling tell them to leave and if they don't call the police. No one should act like that in public and no employee should be subjected to that kind of treatment.

Originally posted by 68 stang
I am sorry that you are getting bad service, but it helps if you are nice to the person. I am not saying that you are not, but it helps. I am just trying to offer the other side of the story. I do not want you to feel that this is an attack. I will be more than willing to discuss it further.
My personal AND professional policy is to treat others the way I'd like to be treated in return.

On a side note -
Some people are just assholes 24/7 no matter what. Don't take it personally. I've found that doing home improvements can be stressful in and of itself so you're already behind the 8 ball so to speak.

Keep up the good work.
Originally posted by 68 stang

I have never called in sick to any job. However one time I lost all oil pressure in my pick up three hundred miles away and needed time to change the oil pump.

That was more about when I was a restaurant manager. All the kids would complain about not being able to go to a party or calling in late because they overslept until 4 PM.

Other experiences have been at mall stores, not places like Home Depot. The problem with Home Depot is that its so big its hard to find someone to help you in the department you need help in. Other than that, the people are nice there and I get what I need every time.
Yeah, some people don't care or are too lazy, I say its poor management that won't clean house. But there is still some outstanding folks too, such as 68stang. I usually shop whereever the most helpful folks are. I used to go to HD all the time cause I got great help and you could always find someone to help...then they went to almost all self checkout and seem to only have 3 or 4 people on the floor to help Customers, so I quit goign and now go to Lowes...If I'm giving someone money, there better darn well be a human taking my money, why should I do their job and give them my money?? But at the same time, I shouldn't have to stand in line and wait to give you my money neither...kind of a long lines at Lowes means I drive across the street to HD :)
Albertson's Grocery is the same way.

Funny thing was, when I was in retail type/Customer facing service, the owner or managers periodically sent in folks to see what kind of service/help they would get from the employees,,too many screwups or complaints and you were fired....thats the problem these days, no one can fire anyone without the threat of a lawsuit. One reason why my company only deals with contract workers. I always remember the Customer comes first! Guess thats why I'm always busy as heck cause we have so many Customers!

One other thing to remember before blowing your cool as a Customer, don't blow your cool with the employee that is not directly responsible for the reason to yell at someone who had nothing to do with the problem, always ask to speak with the manager and blow up at them. I usually start with something like "Hi, I know you know nothing about this problem and its not your fault......can I speak to your manager?" being very curteous..... Talking to our 401k administrator for our business comes to mind because they are constantly depositing funds incorrectly and it royally ticks me off.
I definately feel your pain. The company I work for (Cintas) we focus on our customer service. Although it is very hard you have to be nice to the customer. Obviously you can't make everyone happy all the time. One of the simple steps is to take ownership of the problem, do not pass the buck and blame someone else. Tell the customer that you will handle. it.
The reason these large chains, Lowes, Home Depot, Best Buy. Have trouble in this department is because the growth rate of the company is to fast. They open so many stores in a short amount of time they never really find the time to find the best qualified people. They fill them with bodys just to get going. Then the lower end management isn't properly trained either. Obviously there are plenty of great people that work at these places. My best friend is an area manager for Lowes. He can't beleive how many of the store level managers do not know their jobs, they have no clue. No training!

It is true about not being able to fire anybody. We have to have a stock pile of paperwork before we can dump somebody. It is a huge pain in the but. One reason I am glad I went into sales and got out of management.

Originally posted by bishir
I've worked retail in the past and at resturants and I had my fair share of rude customers. However, it's your JOB to be nice to all of them like it or not. Of course, in extremes their could be exceptions.

I'm not kidding, I've spend almost 100k in the past 6 months at these stores and I've been to both enought that they recognize my son now. It's been screwup after screwup. I had to replace my lower cabinets b/c I had to buy Craftmade to match I was stuck going to a HD or Lowes. Anyways, Lowes pissed me off so much I went to HD and the manager at HD's cabinet department was a complete jackass. Special order door took 8 weeks when it was suppose to be 3-4. When it does get in, they can't find it.

Then tonight, I was looking for someting at Lowes and not once did I get asked if I needed help. 400 dollars later I left angry because I didn't get everything I wanted and have no other choice between dumb and dumber in this place. The family owned hardware store has just as bad service now, becuase they have some 10 brain cell girls working cash register and you're lucky to get a look rather than a thank you.

Then Best Buy wouldn't take back unopened speaker wire the other day because I was 1 day over their 30 day return policy! WTF! It's unopened, I have the reciept what's the big deal!?!? The manager said there was nothing he could do. LOL! Yeah right! :rolleyes:
Guess what BEST BUY! I'm about to buy a 4k dollar TV and I'm not going to you! NOpe, Circuit City gets my money this time, and if they piss me off, I'll get a fish tank and watch that. I shouldn't be spending that money anyways.

Oh, and the Indian Customer Service Reps!


^^ What I'm going to name my boat if I ever get one.


It has been my experience that if someone has problems with the service EVERYWHERE they go...they might want to look in the mirror. :eek: ;)

"I've worked retail in the past and at resturants and I had my fair share of rude customers. However, it's your JOB to be nice to all of them like it or not. Of course, in extremes their could be exceptions."

I agree with this one hundred percent.

"I've spend almost 100k in the past 6 months "

Have you talked to one of the people at the Pro desk, they are like personal shoppers and are usually the cream of the crop in the store.

Try taking back your speaker wire without a reciept and say you bought it last week. You will not get cash but you will probably get a store credit.


"I understand your frustration but that's no excuse to provide bad service to good customers. Treat customers according to how they treat you, don't take it out on other innocent shoppers. That's called professionalism."

I agree.

"It sounds like poor store policy that allows that to happen. If a customer attempts to return an item in obviously used condition it should not be accepted back...end of story. So they leave pissed off, so what. They bought it, they used it. Better they leave mad than a NEW customer buying their used garbage. Then again that's either poor store policy or poor management."

When they try to return it the returns cashier will call me up to check out the product in different cases. I say no, it has obviously has been abused. They will yell for a manager, okay a manager is coming and I leave. The products keep coming back anyhow not because of the managers, but because of corporate. Is the customer always right in this case?

There are certain percautions you need to take when you are working with electricity. It can hurt or kill. It is going to be my fault, if they screw-up even I told them not to do it.

"Store policy should be "No receipt - no return - NO EXCEPTIONS!" If they get out of line cussing and yelling tell them to leave and if they don't call the police. No one should act like that in public and no employee should be subjected to that kind of treatment.

My personal AND professional policy is to treat others the way I'd like to be treated in return."


"Keep up the good work."

Thank you.


There is usually at least one cell phone for each department. Tell someone that you need help in a department, and have them call someone for you. This is done at lot at my store, your experiances may vary.


"But there is still some outstanding folks too"

Thank you.

"Hi, I know you know nothing about this problem and its not your fault......can I speak to your manager?" being very curteous"

Thank you for saying that, however be sure when talking to a manager, to keep your cool and watch your language. I have seen my managers go more out of their way for the respectful customers than the non respectful customers. Remember that things will not always go as planned, when buying products or remodeling your house.
FUNNY you post this.

I was at BJ's Wholesale club this weekend.
You pay $40 for a membership & have to do everything yourself.

At checkout time I went over to get boxes to place my smaller items into & the BI TCH at the register said it would ruin her packing the stuff into cart.
I told the old crank that I wanted to place the smaller items in the boxes because it was rainning out & did not want to stand out side putting them in boxes.

She continued without paying any attention to me. I told her WHATEVER you WOMEN know it ALL!

Then on the way out they have a person checking you cart & looking at your sales recipt. I was carrying the empty boxes & my wife was pushing the heavy cart. The other CRANK tells my wife to hurry it up. I looked at this lady & said what is it with you people here today is it CRANK DAY! No reply from her.
Time to write a letter to the home office & get our money back as we are never going there again.
Ive found what works best when dealing with someone rude is to either cough or sneeze in there face.When theyre wiping the spit off there face,I just chuckle.

Its dirty but its good payback;)
Well I looked in the mirror today as suggested in a prior post and I looked pretty smiling and friendly. Therefore, that rules out that problem. Must be the other folks. ;) Sneezing or coughing in someones face is nasty! I couldn't help but laugh though thinking about it. :D
Yeah, being courteous to the customers is something as an employee in the service industry. There are a few ppl that can and do really piss me off though, I had some dope trash a valve on a tank that said I over tightened it and he couldn't get it open so he used a wrench on it and popped it. I bit my tongue, but boy I didn't want to. *sigh* hopefully I won't be doin service industry when I graduate from school. I need a new $*!@ing job. I wish I was getting $8/hour, hell I'd be happy for $7 an hour. Been working at the same company for comin up on 3 years, need to move on.