Cryogenic freezing


New Member
Jan 29, 2002
The owner of a powder coating shop dropped by our shop today and asked me if I needed any parts on my car cryogenically frozen. What????? I asked what in the world for? He told me they had just started doing this a few months ago on there race cars and such and have just know decided to sell it to the public. He has a sprint car and claims he has to change the valve springs about every four races. The Manley springs he uses are rated at 280lbs. He said after four races they hold about 40 or 50 lbs. Frozen after the same four races they still held the original 280lbs. It's also very popular with softball players and golfers as well, say they get much more distance out of their bats and club. Has anyone heard of this? does It really work?
Its simple metalurgy.Freezing the metal parts makes the molecules form more uniformly in the part.Sort of like a grain in wood instead of all different directions.This is not a new process.I used to work with a guy that owned a sprint car and he went into business for himself doing this.It really works to strengthen the rods and cranks on those 800hp sprints ,so why wouldn't it work on a TR.
BTW just noticed you are from Garland.What is your powdercoaters name,He might just be the one I'm talking about.
i am not a metalurgous (sp) but doesnt freezing something make it more brittle? as in yes its stronger, but when it breaks, it really opposed to bending first?

i am not a metalurgous (sp) but doesnt freezing something make it more brittle? as in yes its stronger, but when it breaks, it really opposed to bending first?

its only more brittle while its still frozen ;)
I know TR tranny builders have been doing it for years now. PMAC installed chryo parts in my tranny.
Try it, it worked for Ted Williams and the other severed heads. Sorry, bad joke but I couldn't resist. :D
Originally posted by TRBON8R
Try it, it worked for Ted Williams and the other severed heads. Sorry, bad joke but I couldn't resist. :D

Damn, you beat me to it. You must listen to Jim Rome:cool:

There is a place here that does it also, called Coldfire Michigan. I dont know what they charge tho