Couple ? for guru's


Wanna-be 10 sec'r
May 25, 2001
I just found some excellent pics of the valve body, accumulators etc. in the factory service manual. Of course, this was after I finished installing all of my parts (guess I should have looked before). Well, I'm starting to second guess myself on a couple things now.

First, the service manual shows the 3-4 accumulator as going case- spring- piston- spacer plate. I KNOW that when I took mine out it was case- piston- spring- spacer plate. I also KNOW that I installed it in that order... which is right??

Second, the TV bore parts. The service manual shows clearly that the roll pin retaining the throttle valve, is actually installed inside the throttle valve, and not after it. Is it possible to install it after the throttle valve?? I hope not, but if it is at all possible, I will be pulling parts to verify how i have it installed.

Thanks for all your help!! My trans saga is nearing the end!!

Mike Jones
Check this thread and quote from brruce on the 3-4 accum.
Originally posted by WE4
the accumulator goes piston first .
If you flip, the circuit fills the whole cavity with no piston pressure.
Trace the path. Piston in first with a 727 acc spring on top works the best. And , yes, if you block the hole with cup plug , no accumulation will occur. But if it shifts to 4th under lt to med throttle locked up with it plugged, you may be replacing back window. :)
So to review goes case piston spring, plate spring piston second gear acc cover. In that order from top to bottom. Wish I knew how to draw on here. :)

The accum. is shown in differ positions as differ codes and differ years call for the differ postions the '86 and later performance ones call for case-piston-spring-plate.
as for the tv valve, if you are talking the small valve at the end of the line-up and not the plunger, than yes the pin goes inbettween the two lands and can't go behind it as the valve bottoms out at the end of the bore before it will allow the pin to go behind it. I have 3 vb's on the bench and just double checked to make sure.
HOTTOGO- Thanks for the quick reply!! You saved me from opening it up!!

Glad to hear I'm set up ok!! I did not want to pull it apart again, but if I could not be sure, it would have needed to come apart. Sounds like I'm ready for some test runs, and tv adjustment!!!

Thanks again,
Mike Jones
Don't ya just hate that second guessing stuff! I just got mine done and up and running last weekend and after following Bruce's formula I have to say it's Awesome! Maybe see ya on the road some time or if ya ever get down to Route 66 they have "test & tune" every Tues. nite from 4-10 look me up.
This HOTTOGO guy is awesome!!!

Mark, cool you find these things I write and repost them. That is so very cool. :D
I dont know how you remember these things. Hehe

And Mike? You have an PTSXtreme shift
kit right?
The diagram on page 3 shows you how the 4th piston goes.

As far as printed trans material, don't always assume what they print is correct. We have found many many mistakes and I am even guilty for being fooled a time or two.

Yes, second guess is the worst. Third guesses suck even more :) LOL

gimme shout if still confused on Monday..

Thanks again Mark, that is really cool!!!!
Keep it up :D

Re: This HOTTOGO guy is awesome!!!

Originally posted by WE4
Mark, cool you find these things I write and repost them. That is so very cool. :D
I dont know how you remember these things. Hehe
It's funny how when you really want to learn something the right way you tend to remember things, and when I need to re-read it I do a search of pertinent key words and viola there you have it. I'm just glad to be being schooled by such a guru! Thanx for the vote of confidence. I will be visiting my sister in Manhattan Beach this winter and also thinking about a move your way in the near future so I will definately look you up when I'm out there and as for the job that would be cool if it were to ever happen.