Cop prevented NFL runningback from being with dying mother-in-law

I had a similar experience in December. I got home to find ny wife passed out from severe abdominal pains. I live in the boonies and the hospital is 15 miles away.

I was going 127 according to the trooper who pulled me over. It only took a couple minutes for him to give me an escort to the hospital.

I thanked him.

I guess there are a lot of opinions on this story but, I feel he should have kept his job but, I am sure the pressure was too great on him and the department with all the publicity. ONLY because it was a professional football player IMHO.
If it wasnt an NFL player, it wouldnt even have been news and he cop would still have his job. Too bad he had to lose his job over this. To bad the football player broke the law. At least the wife was with her mother. Bad situation all the way around.
Not busting on any cops but when you work one of the most violent areas in America like I do you learn quite a bit really quick! I took my friend from back home whose a cop at small 25k person city and he was amazed and how different policing his town is from mine. Obviously its apples and oranges but just stating facts. Not meant to mock or put down anyone, just stating how very different this job can be when you work not only in different parts of the country but in a very different makeup of races and economic status as well.
I am sure the pressure was too great on him and the department with all the publicity. ONLY because it was a professional football player IMHO.

And that is the whole and only reason this got any press.

BTW: Did anyone see the couple on Good Morning America? If they didn't look like they were lying about the Officer pointing his weapon at them then I'm not sitting at the keyboard typing this.
The Cop resigned because of internal pressure that if he didn't he would be subject to a civilian review board that would have likely terminated him because this animal refused to pull his vehicle over. Politics.

This country has more panzies in it them I can stomach. Enroute to the hospital to see his mother-in-law who he probably couldn't stand to begin with. Pull ur vehicle over when requested. It's not rocket science!

I always find it amusing how the Cop is always criticized when he was "Insensitive"....what a joke! But fail to mention how the situation could have been resolved in under a minute if this animal just stopped his vehicle. The guy unholsters his weapon..... so f-en what!

That happens on a daily basis in just about every PD in the WORLD when someone refuses to stop their vehicle during a pursuit. No matter how long it is or where it is.

What a joke!