Converting an 85GN to an Intercooled Car?


Aug 18, 2006
Whats it going to take ($$$ wise) to convert an 85GN to an 86/87 intercooler set-up. No mods, just stock but done right. Is there a kit? Or do I need to find a "donor" car

Thanks for any help

Im not really... but I just wanted to know what I'd be getting myself into if I wanted to run in the high/mid 13s...;) which it seems like I can do fairly inexpensively with just a couple bolt-ons to the hot air motor rather than droppin an 86/87 intercooled motor into the car

Thanks for the advice -- I'm a TR newbie. I own another Buick (66 Skylark GS) but I really don't know squat about the Turbo cars