Converter problem?


Jun 17, 2004
I noticed that the car when warmed up tends to jerk a certain mph. Its a jerky feeling as if somthing was attached to the car bumper and plulling it back. Well the one thing that stops this feeling is when i unlock the converter by tapping on the brake pedal. As soon as i let of the brake light the jerk comes right back. Is this a converter problem or something else?
would the tcc cause any lag conditions. Car started lagging around the same time as the jerkyness.
If it's sticking...yes. When you slow down and get into boost it will be in a higher gear resulting in lag.Thats what mine did. I changed the TCC solenoid and cured it.

When owning one of these cars, you will need to change the tranny fluid anyway, so just replace it with the fluid change.
would a metric 200 in a 3.8 na do this? i had to park my baby, its been"jerking" like this as well.....motor has over 100k, but runs like a raped ape in first, jerks in 3rd...