Converter expert needed


student of speed
Jun 14, 2001
I know your all going to yell at me but i got most of my rebuild parts through a local converter rebuild shop (turbine tech) I asked the guy about loosing up the converter while it was open for inspection/rebuild. He seemed to think that a 3000 stall was way high for a street car (70's muslecar guy) but also said it would be very ineffiecent with a 12". He said the most he'd want to loosen it would be about 2800 (which i've seen Bruce state so it made sense) , So since the price was right i figured i give it a shot.
My concern from my limited knowlege about converters is that stall greatly depends on the motor it's behind. so while he had the best intentions if what gives 2800 in a SS with a SBC may not be that in a GN. The only info i can give you guys is off the invoice for the converter TB15MX. not sure about internals if this has to do with fin angle or just the HD L/U clutch. Please any sugestions to identify this?
Stall, ahh, what a subject.

From what I've seen hardly anyone really works with the Accleration Enrichment, and then talks about the stall being critical. Well, IMO, that's a lil backwards, you want to tune the engine to see what you need rather then just flashing the motor with a higher stall converter, cause the AE stuff is poorly done.

Forra street car, I see stall as just existing to let the engine flash high enough to get the EGT and gas flow high enough to spool the turbo. The torque multiplication that the N/A engines need is a similiar but different converter design.

The original strategy for the TCC was just to eliminate the slippage of the converter for mileage. If you want to lock it under power, then you need a TCC designed for that.

Removing the check ball from the input shaft of the tranny will crispen TCC lockup.
little confussed, is acccelraton enrichment a chip parameter? and your saying thats more to blame for slow spool etc than the converter? If so don't most new chip burners take that into consideration?

I still would like to have a ball park of my stall looking to get a turbo. it can't be any less than stock can it?