changeing rear wheel studs


Dont sweat the petty stuff.....
Apr 11, 2010
i know the facts about guys needing a certain length wheel stud for weld wheels have been bounced around a few times. But I want to know what you guys think about just useing a Big hammer to knock the old studs out. I know of some people doing it that way on Some make of cars new and old. But I'm a little worried about the pounding being directed to the axle clips in the pumpkin. Removing the axles and using a press is the other possibility but take a bit longer.
Anyone removed the studs the easy way? What you experiences? Thanks
Knock them out with the hammer. The clips only keep axle from coming out. The axle will be up against the center pin.Dont beat the crap out of it they will come out pretty easy. What are you using for the new studs?
The studs you bought made need axles out to install
I agree. Pull the axles and replace axle seals. Some fresh lube would probably help. Why not install some good Moser axles while you are at it?
I went to an auto parts store and borrowed their loaner press kit, used for ball joints etc. . It worked perfectly and pushed the studs out with no stress on axles or bearings. I pressed the new ones back in and then seated them with spacers (nuts and washers) and lug nuts, just dont stretch stud.
Dynamite. i was thinking of using something along those lines. Much,much appreciated. Now i have another project to add to The List of To DO's. Anyone else out there I would still love to hear your experiences too. Thanks Mini!!!
Glad you used the missed blow will bend the flanges on a new set of MOser's. Been there done that....yeah i was in a hurry and not thinking