CD players with built-in hard drives


Here's what I have found out so far. I only know of the following head units with hard drives. I only know of the following head units with hard drives. Can someone please post a list of others I don't know about, or if they have any info on the ones I listed? Thanks!

Sony MEX1HD: Cool looking unit with a 10 meg hard drive (should hold approx. 2,000 songs). Rips CD's very fast. The bad part is the hard drive doesn't hold .mp3's. May be possible to download .mp3's, convert them to .wav's and put them on a CD, and then transfer over. Even so, that's a pain.

Pioneer DEH-P90HDD: Another head unit with a 10 meg hard drive, with some really nice features. Still, this one also doesn't hold .mp3's. Even worse still, it apparently only rips professional CD's to prevent piracy. That would suck for me, since I have very few actual "real" CD's.

Alpine HDA-5460: Wow, this baby has a 16 meg hard drive (approx. 3,000 songs) and holds .mp3's! Too good to be true? You bet. You mean there's a catch? Of course, there always is when I'm looking for something. :( This head unit doesn't have an AM/FM radio, making it useless to me. Grr!

Kenwood Music Keg: This one isn't a head unit, but something that goes in your trunk (or under your seat) and has a 20 gig hard drive (approx. 5,000 songs) and can use .mp3, .wma, .wav, or flac formats. If I get this, I'll also need a head unit. Although it can connect to almost any good head unit, I'll need a higher end Kenwood radio if I don't want to use the extra interface, and I don't. I want all the controls from the radio.
The Alpine unit is an add on to a compatible Alpine head unit. Think of it as a "changer" and you'll get the idea.

Either way, it's NOT going to be cheap...ever thought of doing an actual PC in the car? OR
just get an MP3 head unit and burn the MP3s to disc...not exactly what you were looking to do but alot of MP3s fit on one disc