Cas V4


New Member
May 24, 2001
Are you using the stock intercooler fan with it or did you delete it?

Does it make much difference if you run with the fan or not?
Originally posted by CaPPY
Are you using the stock intercooler fan with it or did you delete it?

Does it make much difference if you run with the fan or not?

I am
Don't know if it makes much of a difference. I found my fan was toast when I swapped out my stock IC for the V4. I also have the big dual Spal fans though where the stock electric fan was. I have been fanless (IC fan) for over a year now.
I also have the Spals. If you didn't notice much difference in Phoenix, where it's like over a hundred during a lot of the summertime, then maybe I can pass.

I imagine the Spals blow enough air past the IC, so that it doesn't heat sink, unless you're sitting in traffic for a while?

Anyone else?
Keep the fan. The Spal fans are only blowing air onto the shroud and necks and not actually thru the IC to cool it off.