Can we get out of this ticket?

Just to follow up on what someone said; the police can enforce on private property if asked by the owner, if it is properly posted. In OH, there needs to be a sign at each entrance to the private property stating that the police may enforce traffic violations.

By the way, it sounds like you should be able to beat that ticket easily.:D
Just for clarification, here in Michigan and the city I work had a very large mall constructed which resembles a small village. It's all on private property but there's plenty of speed limit, stop and parking signs. I couldn't enforce anything but handicap parking, OUIL (drunk driving) and reckless driving on that land until that property owner went through a process through the city and county to have traffic laws enforced there which they did. I now have full traffic jurisdiction.
FUNNY UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, we got our ticket dropped and the entire neighborhood's dropped to boot. The neighborhood is still private property and they cannot write tickets. They wrote 35 tickets in one hour one day and now they have to dismiss them all. It just goes to show that the first action that should be taken is not always to call the police. The neighborhood should have put up signs stating there is a problem with running stop signs and police action would be next if not corrected. I would have not fought the ticket for my wife if that route was taken first. One good thing is everyone stops at the signs now.
You're saying they should put up signs saying the STOP signs will be enforced? You're kidding right?
I got a couple of tickets the other night. 77 in a 60 and expired drivers license (by a month):rolleyes: Go tmy license renewed today, and went to pay the ticket. The lady at the court house said the officer has not turned it in yet, and to check back Tuesday. If its not there by then she said 9 times out of 10 the judge will throw it out:) Fingers are crossed!
TT/A1233........ Our neighborhood was still under construction at the time and was just beginning to calm down with most of the houses being completed. There would be contractor trucks lined up and down the road and was very hectic for a while. At its worst there would be trucks parked on the corners of the intersections where you could not even see the stop signs. Things just had calmed down and all of a sudden there are officers writing tickets as fast as they can for people oozing through stop signs. They say that some people were blowing through but I never saw that happen. Anyway, my wife thought she stopped but was written a ticket on the very first day they were there. I think under the circumstances, she should have gotten a warning. But really what should have happened is our community should have come up with a solution to address the problem like warning signs without immediately calling the police. I live in a decent neighborhood and everyone I have met seems to be rational. I believe if warned, 95% of the people would have stopped running the stop signs. If that did not work, then let the police take care of it. People are way too quick to call the police when simple communication most of the time will handle the situation.