California Duster


Turbo Regal Obsessed
Nov 26, 2001
Has anyone who uses these things gotten streaks on their cars only to have to go back and wipe the whole darn car down again? I have used these things for years and almost always have this problem. Anyone have any soloutions? I "seasoned" the things like the instructions said by laying it on newspaper for a couple of days but it never fails.:mad:

Ive never had a problem with mine doing that ..ive had it for 5 didnt get it wet did u?
I've never had any luck with them. I've had two and they would leave horrible swirl marks in my clear coat.
No, did'nt get it wet. Mine does not swirl the paint just leaves a residue like wax that you have to go back and wipe off which sort of defeats the purpose!:confused:
I find it to be particularly useful if you happen to drive past construction and theres flying dust everywhere it beats havin to wash the car again...
They say the dirtier the better. Mine did the same thing for along time. Clean your dirty daily driver with it for awhile then see how it works. ;)
For those that have been having trouble with them (I have never had a single issue with them). The question is, did you carefully follow the instructions on pre treating them before you used them???? truthfully?
How are you using it?

If you drop it on the paint and then move it around they do not work well. If you support the weight of it and just allow the tips of the fabric to touch the paint it works great.
I have 4 of them,

they all work great! one is over 20 yrs old! still works perfect.
I keep one in each car, I wonder why yours are leaving residue?
I have found that you will get the streaks depending on what material you are trying to clean off. Pollen does not clean off well, and will leave streaks, its not the duster it is the pollen being dragged across your car.

Dirt/dust on the other hand comes off clean.
The Duster has bee's wax in the cloth fingers. When new, they will leave those streaks you are complaining about. Use it a few times and the streaking goes away.

Billy T.
Give it a good shaking first and then dont let the full weight of it rest on the cars surface
I've had mine over 20 years also, looks like hell but works great. I use it and stick it back in the bag, thats it. I think they work bettter the more you use them.
I have tried about everything and prepped them before I used them and all. I have one for the cars in my garage and one for the drivers. Have used them for years but always been cursed with that problem. Thanks for all the help guys. :confused: