Cali Cop Gets Off W/ Hung Jury

well, I just saw the footage on TV and I was distgusted and I don't think any resistance by the kid can justify the response. The guy was in cuffs already no need to slam him against the car and punch him. Yes the cop is human but if he can't control his temper he shoulnd't be a cop!
I'm pretty sure the guy lost his job that's not the issue. The issue is that the whole jury couldn't be convinced he was guilty of the crime he was charged with beyond a reasonable doubt. I just saw on the news that the LA District Attorney's office is going to retry the case so we'll see what happens.

This is really just an assault on the authority of the police. The police have their hands tied by people who just want to break the law and have the cops look the other way. Well, they better look the other way. If you do your job, you'll probably lose it. The good part is the lawyer politicians, who run things, will take their "fair" share right out of your pocket, Mr. Officer.

You people watched the video. It didn't show the whole thing. You don't know what BS went on before this perp failed to communicate. These responses to this post show how much the public is brainwashed. Oh the poor criminal. He has attention deficit syndrome and didn't know what he was doing. :rolleyes: Of course, there's a limit to bad police behavior, but I didn't see any in that footage. Don't be a WOOS.
turbo6joe- you obviously could never make it on areal city police force- this is a case where the handcuffed suspect continued to resist and kicked the officer in the nuts - does he not have the right to use force to control the suspect- do we just let a handcuffed suspect go because he is cuffed - does that give him the right to do anything and we do nothing to control him - what should we do to control the sus pect and make him stop resisting- every suspect is of a different mindset - every suspect has a different pain threshold------------- but above all why would you come on this board and condemn a sworn police officer against a scumbag like that--- you couldnt make a pimple on a rewal policemans ass
"above all why would you come on this board and condemn a sworn police officer against a scumbag like that--- you couldnt make a pimple on a rewal policemans ass"

Let's keep the insults to yourself.....this was a mature debate/thread untill you showed up!
Geez the verdict came in and there are no fires or overturned cars to be seen anywhere here in so-Cal. ;) At this rate we are going to start losing our reputation as the riot capitol of the U.S. :D

I guess that 1000 rounds of 30-06 I have hidden away will just have to await the next Rodney King
interesting post!

I live in San Diego but haven't kept up on this or most other cases. I try to limit my news watching to ESPN and the like. I just get so pissed off when I watch the news or read the paper.(We subscribe to the paper and many days I don't even open it)
I have to say that Red Regal T is right! We are being strangled by political correctness every day-this is sistematic brainwashing. Morality, ethics, and character aren't revered.
In this particular case, the officer may have abused his power-I don't know. The facts are that the bad guys WAY out-number the good and sometimes people slip up. The Media loves this kind of stuff because they can turn it into a "Cop Gone Bad" story and sell papers.

-Back to surfing and watching Monster House-that's a cool show! :cool:
Originally posted by turbov6joe
Actually your 1/2 way correct. I started my police career in the military for 8 years and have been in civilian and gov't law enforcement up to the present. I've been there also and had to fight a cuffed suspect, but going by what the video showed, the suspect was subdued by the mass of LEO's already on him and that cop came in from behind and clocked him. Granted getting your junk grabbed by anyone sucks, but my point is that the kid was cuffed, there was at least 3 other cops on him already; the situation was comming down to a reasonable level when the kid got hit and had his face smashed into the trunk of the sedan. Come on Adam, you as well as I know that the dude was wrong in what he did. Anyway which way you look at it the cop was out of line and should have been found guilty of JUST WHAT HE DID, nothing more! IMO he should have been convicted...plain and simple. If you or I pulled a stunt like that with our dept's. you bet your ass we would be hung out to dry...rightly so! I'm a proud supporter of cops, probably a little too supportive at times; however, when a cop goes bad he needs to pay...that's it! At a former job I was the local FOP president and backed my officers to the hill if you did right. If you did wrong and were blatent about it, your ass paid the price and I wasn't there to back you and pretend you were doing your job the way you should have and grey! Anyhow, I'll believe what I want and you the same and we'll go about our business just as well. It's not often you'll see me support the dirt bags, but when it comes to what is just and what is wrong...there is no room for deviation....cheers!

Ok so an A for effort?? ;) Again, I did not see the video, sounds like another R. King from your description.. I'll have to check it out. Got a link?

I've looked thru all the above posts and see that there are alot of opinions both ways... Anyone see the station video before they posted an opinion??? As of 11 o'clock last nite, the media was still waiting for that to be released to the public....
I think the testimony indicated the perp had the cops "nards" before he was slammed on the hood.[Could that have triggered the "body slam"??] The perp did not release his grip, thus the shot to the chops..

As for the "hung jury".. reports this Am indicate the DA will retry the case... Guess that's to fend off another "burn the town down" scenario..
Maybe they can have Gil Garcetti and Marsha Clark try it this next time!!!:D :D :D

Didn't Rodney King turn out to be a real "model citizen"???:rolleyes: :rolleyes:
IMHO most cops are's the bad apples that ruin it for the rest and get all this media attention.

One thing we have to take into account is the perspective and experience of the black kid. A young kid coming out of a convenience store eating a bag of chips being yelled at and ordered to the curb--( I would have a similarily bad attitude...but this probably wouldn't happen to me since I'm white). A person's perception and experience will affect his/her behavior. Concerning the "nut grab"...not sure if that was really proven or another falsified report. Sounds like a "stretch" to me--no pun intended. Regardless of any excuses...the cop administered a cheap shot...that cop deserves to be fire. I have seen police brutality first hand as a teenager at a party and having copes storm in the house (with tape over their badges) clocking people over the head with the stick for not "jumping" fast enough.

Regarding Mr.'s true he isn't the upstanding citizen...but regardless... he is entitled to "due process" and equality under the law. My 4 cents.
Re: grabbin!

Originally posted by Chuck Leeper
I've looked thru all the above posts and see that there are alot of opinions both ways... Anyone see the station video before they posted an opinion??? As of 11 o'clock last nite, the media was still waiting for that to be released to the public....
I think the testimony indicated the perp had the cops "nards" before he was slammed on the hood.[Could that have triggered the "body slam"??] The perp did not release his grip, thus the shot to the chops..

As for the "hung jury".. reports this Am indicate the DA will retry the case... Guess that's to fend off another "burn the town down" scenario..
Maybe they can have Gil Garcetti and Marsha Clark try it this next time!!!:D :D :D

Didn't Rodney King turn out to be a real "model citizen"???:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

I thought its funny how the media keeps rolling the footage of the cop hitting the guy...knowing that it incites anger in public minority's.....are they trying to start a riot or what? They keep showing us that violent footage but they now refuse to roll footage of mass graves in Irag, or 9/11...because they feel thats just too disturbing for the poor viewers.

IMO, they should promote the cop, hit that punk kid two or three more times then let his ass hang from a tree dead until the weight of his body causes his head to seperate from his neck.:mad:
Originally posted by 70Firebird/TTA
IMHO most cops are's the bad apples that ruin it for the rest and get all this media attention.

One thing we have to take into account is the perspective and experience of the black kid. A young kid coming out of a convenience store eating a bag of chips being yelled at and ordered to the curb--( I would have a similarily bad attitude...but this probably wouldn't happen to me since I'm white). A person's perception and experience will affect his/her behavior. Concerning the "nut grab"...not sure if that was really proven or another falsified report. Sounds like a "stretch" to me--no pun intended. Regardless of any excuses...the cop administered a cheap shot...that cop deserves to be fire. I have seen police brutality first hand as a teenager at a party and having copes storm in the house (with tape over their badges) clocking people over the head with the stick for not "jumping" fast enough.

Regarding Mr.'s true he isn't the upstanding citizen...but regardless... he is entitled to "due process" and equality under the law. My 4 cents.

I wonder what a feeling of satisfaction that the kid has now that the cop is in trouble? Hey did you know that US has the "nicest" and least brutal police in the ENTIRE world!? They have to be b/c of the position of responsibilty placed on them. Try grabbing a guys nads over in Europe or Russia....theyll break your arm.
BTW, Canadians need to stay out of US problems....LOL
Originally posted by 70Firebird/TTA
IMHO most cops are's the bad apples that ruin it for the rest and get all this media attention.

One thing we have to take into account is the perspective and experience of the black kid. A young kid coming out of a convenience store eating a bag of chips being yelled at and ordered to the curb--( I would have a similarily bad attitude...but this probably wouldn't happen to me since I'm white). A person's perception and experience will affect his/her behavior. Concerning the "nut grab"...not sure if that was really proven or another falsified report. Sounds like a "stretch" to me--no pun intended. Regardless of any excuses...the cop administered a cheap shot...that cop deserves to be fire. I have seen police brutality first hand as a teenager at a party and having copes storm in the house (with tape over their badges) clocking people over the head with the stick for not "jumping" fast enough.

Regarding Mr.'s true he isn't the upstanding citizen...but regardless... he is entitled to "due process" and equality under the law. My 4 cents.

Here's the problem. :rolleyes: Sounds like you'd find a way to justify Sadam Hussein's regime. What the're not alone. You got the whole Democratic leadership with the same attitude and the same thing is constantly being droned over and over in the liberal media. This country is in serious trouble due to permissiveness and lack of personal responsibility. I don't see much being done about it. Just people tearing the country down. It's the "give me for free" generation. The squeaky wheels (whiners) get the grease.
Good Afternoon! I have read this thread with great interest and I see there is awwide variety of opinions and I would like to express mine. I am en ex - police officer in a major city ( Houston, Tx. ). The video did disturb me somewhat , at least the portion that we saw. We did not see the before and after; so we know only what the media wants to suggest. The most disturbing part is that there are Officers on this board that condem the actions of the Officers involved wihout knowing ALL of the details! I had my scrotum split by a burglary suspect while trying to mak a lawful arrest. My testicle actually fell out! The nurse seemed to enjoy stitching me up. Said suspect said that I was assaulting him and he was just defending himself. My department backed me and justice prevailed. I was hauled into Civil Court several times with convicted criminals that got some lawyer and attempted to collect damages for me violating there Civil Rights while making a lawful arrest wherein I received major injuries in doing so. The best thing that I can say is that the general public and other Officers should take the images that they see as only a partial reflection as to what really happened and not have such a high opinion of themselves.....Easy to do while your testicles are still intact!
gngirl, You saw the footage of what the news agency wanted you to see. If you were to watch the whole incident, you would have a better appreciation of what the cops were up against. It's just like with the Rodney King thing. The only thing the press showed the general public was the 53 seconds of the beating. What they didn't show after the first airing of it was the whole video which King spit on a female CHP and call her the C word over and over, Slid over his hood and slapped another female officer, and then tried to take out another male officer. This was shown only on the original airing on channel 5 news in L.A. The news department said on air prior to showing it that the tape hadn't been viewed and they warned of possible content. In order to cause public outrage and sway opinion, that original tape was edited from 3 minutes to just the 53 seconds. My Mom told me “don't believe what you read and only half of what you see”. When you aren't there to see it all, you can't rely on any news agency to correctly portray the events, they are too busy trying to further there agenda. If a perp tries to grab your privates during a heated confrontation, the idiot deserves to have his butt kicked. Cops are not out of line subduing an idiot that grabs at them. The perp was grabbing in desperation. If he had a chance, he would have grabbed the cop’s gun. Yeah the cop slapped him afterwards, but the perp was still shooting his mouth off and had no respect. He deserved what happened to him.
This is all so sick to me. The press and a few special interest groups start shouting and everyone jumps on the bandwagon crying foul. So the next time a cop gets blown away or hurt due to them trying to handle some violent idiot criminal in a politically correct manner, just look in the mirror and admit to yourselves that your bleeding hearts are what put these people in harms way everyday, and that is why they die.
Originally posted by 70Firebird/TTA
IMHO most cops are's the bad apples that ruin it for the rest and get all this media attention.

One thing we have to take into account is the perspective and experience of the black kid. A young kid coming out of a convenience store eating a bag of chips being yelled at and ordered to the curb--( I would have a similarily bad attitude...but this probably wouldn't happen to me since I'm white). A person's perception and experience will affect his/her behavior. Concerning the "nut grab"...not sure if that was really proven or another falsified report. Sounds like a "stretch" to me--no pun intended. Regardless of any excuses...the cop administered a cheap shot...that cop deserves to be fire. I have seen police brutality first hand as a teenager at a party and having copes storm in the house (with tape over their badges) clocking people over the head with the stick for not "jumping" fast enough.

Regarding Mr.'s true he isn't the upstanding citizen...but regardless... he is entitled to "due process" and equality under the law. My 4 cents.

<sigh> Another one who feels guilty for being white. :rolleyes:
I agree Turbo. If you assume the bias thing as a fact, why do you stand there with an attitude and start crap. Comply and give them no reason to get pissy with you. I can also remember many parties where cops came and kids got handled rough, but I will be honest enough to admit, it is the smart a$$ kids that got the baton. Would you walk up to Mike Tyson and tell him he sounds gay and is stupid? Why not? Because you know you shouldn't give him a reason to kick your butt. So why get rebellious with a cop if you perceive yourself as being singled out because if your race? I think that many of these things are done because they know the press will mis report the story and they will get the politicians to cave and give them a big reward for being rude and stupid. Hell, why play the lottery when you can get a few punches from a cop and get tax-free money and 15 minutes of fame. When did it become so glaringly apparent to some people that the cops are always the bad guys, and the scum are to be revered and believed? Kind of like the lunatics are taking care of the asylum.
Originally posted by Red Regal T
Here's the problem. :rolleyes: Sounds like you'd find a way to justify Sadam Hussein's regime. What the're not alone. You got the whole Democratic leadership with the same attitude and the same thing is constantly being droned over and over in the liberal media. This country is in serious trouble due to permissiveness and lack of personal responsibility. I don't see much being done about it. Just people tearing the country down. It's the "give me for free" generation. The squeaky wheels (whiners) get the grease.

Hmmm...Everybody gets a vote right? Whether you have a job or no job, black, white, purple...doesnt matter...on welfare or a millionaire...everyone gets a vote. Politicians listen to the vote and polls....what do the polls say? They say: "hey Mr. Congressman, give me something for free...i want a handout!!!" What does the congressman do....he gives them something for free of course so he can get re-elected. Where does he get the money from? He gets it from the achievers of society through taxation....What does the achiever do? He gets upset and ask himself...why am i working so hard? I think i'll just be bum like everybody else and get free stuff too! Now the bums and underachievers are now outnumbering those who want to work and achieve. Uh oh...what happens when the underachievers are now outnumbering those who achieve and keep wanting more free rides? Simple answer.....economic disaster! Its coming!!! How do you stop it? Well thats easy....change the laws.
What laws? The voting laws....change it where the law states:
The only persons allowed to vote are those who own can be anything from real estate or a service that you offer to someone (for those of who dont understand, that service would be WORK!) In other get to vote if you have a job! Get it? its hard being a genius :D
lol vader, thing is I think that is what happened in America just prior to that war with England back in 1776