Cal Pack question


Jul 2, 2001
Are all cal packs the same if they're in a 1227148 ECM? What exactly does the cal pack do?
The cal pack holds the instructions for the computer for limp home mode. If the cal pack is in the correct ECM they should not be different. Make sure the ECM part# is the same as the original ECM. I think you can find the part number on
Originally posted by VeesGN
Are all cal packs the same if they're in a 1227148 ECM? What exactly does the cal pack do?

Limp home mode fuel calibration.
It sets the RFD (redundant fuel devise).
If you've changed injectors, you might as well run anyone, cause you ain't going far in that mode.
Limp home is only when the processor crashs, and not to be confused like so many folks do that think a soft failure mode is limp home mode.
The calpaks are different for different cars even if you are running the 1227148 ecm...The NA 3.8 uses a different calpak even though the ecm is the same...The calpaks are calibrated for the engine that is installed in the car with that ecm...

Hope that clears that up...