Browser question


Jun 14, 2004
I normally have Yahoo browser. For some reason, today the computer wont let me log on on yahoo, but will let me use Internet Explorer. I hate this browser. I get pop up all the time and have the blocker on. Does anyone know know of a download for a better browser? Is that even possible? All SBC could do is send me another Yahoo cd to download, but it wont be here for 7-10 business days.TIA
Re: Firefox

Originally posted by drew
Neal, go to it is the best browser out there by far. Internet Explorer doesnt hold a candle to it, and it's free!

Well I got it. Is it better than the yahoo browser? I havent really checked out any of it features. I did however just get 2 pop ups while typing this.

BTW I think this is my 100th post.

well im using it as we speak, havent had any trouble at all with firefox. One neat thing about firefox is tabbing, if you go to file- then click new tab, it will open up a "new" browser window all while having just one browser open. If that makes any sense at all. If you have more questons just ask. Ill go find a firefox f.a.q.

P.S. Since I have had firefox installed no pop up's have come up on my screen. Try and run a spy ware sweeper.
Sounds like you have a spyware/adware/malware problem. Have you run any of the big spyware programs ???(adaware, spyweeper, spybot search and destroy), they could also be triggered by the wonderful windows messenger in XP. How about a firewall of sorts if you are running SBC's DSL ???
I agree with Jbenn, you most likely have a spy-ware problem. I know Norton Internet security program has a built in firewall to block spyware, you might want to try that to see if it clears up the problem.