boost creep problem


Looks slow, goes fast!
May 26, 2001
My 87 T is overboosting. I need to know which components to inspect and what to look for. I would like to know the most likely suspect parts to check 1st. It's probably something simple, but I haven't tried anything other than adjusting the actuator rod out, and that just helps for a while. It used to stay at 15-16 lbs., but now it creeps to 20-25 lbs. and I can no longer stay in the throttle. I want to figure this out before I install my ported heads and intake. Thanks ahead of time.

well, once you put ported heads on the car, you will need to adjust the wastegate anyway-

i would think a leaky diapragm in the wastegate or just a hose leak-

dont forget to turn up the fuel when the heads go on, if they are done right, you will need alot more fuel