

New Member
Jul 19, 2001
Where can I get a set of NEW bluetops for a T-Type I just bought?? (don't wan't those BRIGHT yellow Accels, if I can help it).
Don't just step up to bluetops go on up tp 50(s) - there are plenty of chip makers that can get the 50(s) to work on any combo. Will save you money in the short and long run.

Good luck
No Luck..................

Thanks guys, but seems that 868's and Delphi 37# injectors is all that I can come up with right now. I'd rather have the original bluetops, if possible. I checked Ramchargers and Ractronix. Neither seem to carry them. I think Ford discontinued them, but I thought that they were still available through Bosch. I know they seem to be a popular replacement for the BMW Z3 crowd.

Try Jack Cotton...I do know that he had some recently(a few months ago)...He may still have some or might be able to get some...
Re: No Luck..................

Originally posted by TurboGeezer
Thanks guys, but seems that 868's and Delphi 37# injectors is all that I can come up with right now. I'd rather have the original bluetops, if possible. I checked Ramchargers and Ractronix. Neither seem to carry them. I think Ford discontinued them, but I thought that they were still available through Bosch. I know they seem to be a popular replacement for the BMW Z3 crowd.


Why buy yourself into an obsolete part? It is just asking for trouble. Considering there is nothing wrong with the Delphi 37s why not use them? The Accel injectors are also VERY good and come flow matched from the factory within 1.5%

Jack :cool:
Here's an even better question - why in the hell is all of Accel's crap YELLOW??? Man, just because of that, I wouldn't even buy a toilet brush from Accel...
Originally posted by strikeeagle
Here's an even better question - why in the hell is all of Accel's crap YELLOW??? Man, just because of that, I wouldn't even buy a toilet brush from Accel...

... because that is their corporate color. ;)

What is wrong with black and yellow?
It looks good on a bumble bee! :D

They are very good injectors though...

Jack :cool:
Originally posted by tracer
Thanks. Was looking more in the range of 50's or 55's.

Racetronix has more 50's on order so hopefully we will have some soon.

The Accel 48s flow almost the same as the Delphis and are able to operate at higher pressures w/o having trouble opening.

55's would require you to have low Z drivers installed in your ECM.
We have Siemens 55s in stock.

Jack :cool:

I dont see info for any of the injectors on your site except for the Delphi sale.... did I miss something?

Originally posted by tracer
Are there advantages to low impedence 55's over 50's?

Low Z injectors typially have a faster mechanical reaction time and in some cases can operate at higher pressures.

Jack :cool: