Bit of a sad day. I just put my GNX up for sale.

Yeah I remember your car 407
Why are you selling it?
At least did you drive it and get to enjoy it ?
Yes, the car came to me from Florida. I am in Texas however. Drove it around a little. Did not have a lot of time to enjoy it, but man did I get lots of thumbs up and attention every time I was able to. Priceless. It's amazing how many people out there appreciate these cars. Am selling a number of my toys (a boat, my ws6 trans am, a 4x4). Just have too much to take care of and too little time, so a bit of a consolidation. This one is tough though. I'll probably kick myself in a few years looking back.
I was about two days late when you bought this car. I had made an offer and they were waiting for another one to come through. I thought they were playing messing with me but I suppose not. The car was super clean underneath and was a great driving car. Can you pm when you get a chance?
Thanks all. Yep, I spent some time make a few things right. It's definitely even nicer now than when I got it.
I was the lucky guy! It will look good next to my 72 GS Stage1 convertible.

Thanks again Alex!

Congrats. I remember this car when it was in Florida. Very detail oriented owner! It's great to see that it is being kept within the community. Post up some pictures once you get it!