Billet Tensioner

Woww sweet. Im interested. Will the r&d be done.or are we the guinea pigs? Thx for your intrest in.providing hard to.replace parts. X2 on.kirban..
What I advocate is I get the first unit to test for a short time; but as for long term testing unless you guys want to wait a few years.....:nailbiting:. What is nice about this company is they specialize in tensioners and any issues initially should be limited to fitment and proper tension which would be addressed by the prototype install.
I'm interested. I'd like a definite price before I fully commit, but I'm 97% there. Just don't want to break the bank. :)
Currently the company makes them for Ford and Chrysler. If enough of us go for it then they would do Turbo Buicks too.
Why did u write not for the gn ?

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app
I put a picture of a Mustang billet tensioner they make to show the quality. I didn't want people to assume it was the Buick GN one that was so different looking and needing significant modifications to fit. The new one will look like the factory one except in billet aluminum.
of course i would be in :cool: ….. assuming i have money at that time :rolleyes:
especially if JPratt is in……

So far 16 people including me have said they are interested so it looks like we are at least ready to proceed I will see about a volume discount if the numbers grow.