best (cheapest) place to buy a FAST system?

Just call up a few vendors and ask them if they'd sell it to you below what they usually sell but tell them you dont need any tech support....that might shave a few hundred dollars
Maybe...maybe not. I have enough friends around by me where i went that road and it was significantly cheaper.

Its up to him
The shop where I bought my FAST system in PA spends a good part of their week educating and supplying tech support to cheap car owners who bought their units over the internet or through mail order because they got a deal on them. The reality is that these consumers have no idea how fuel injection works or how an engine works so they can tune it properly. So it turns out that these self proclaimed "know it alls" need tech support but don't want to pay for it. This shop owner gets extremely irritated with theses dealers that are selling the units at a discount because they can't supply the tech support or actually tune the units either. Maybe if some of the readers of this forum would actually spend the money and pay what they are suppose to pay for these units, they would not have to spend all their time on this forum trying to "fix" their problems and more time driving, racing, and enjoying their cars.
i do agree with you...i dont have a problem using/tuning with FAST. I have numerious friends around me with the knowledge to help me tune (dyno tuners) and some friends with 1000hp+ motors that tune them themselves. It isn't a problem for me, but i would say it is for the majority