Best/cheapest method to ship bare engine block?

either shrink rap or band to a pallet deliver to truck depot they will unload with forklift weigh and charge accordingly the ones i shipped range from 60.00 up to 125.00 depending on where it ship to and if its a business or residential address cheaper to pick up and deliver at the truck depot
Business addresses have been cheaper for me. Residential delivery has been the most expensive. Dropping off at a freight terminal is usually cheap.

Right, get it tied well to a pallet.

You might look at
I built a wooden crate out of two pieces of ply and 4 2x4's. Drilled two holes in one plate for the timing cover dowels. The other had holes for the bellhousing dowels. Slid that into a cardboard box and mailed it through the post office as a 125# box. It was just light enough to not be considered 'freight' and stuck with the higher prices that commands.
I found a small square pallet and drilled holes in it and bolted it to the bellhousing bolts. Stood that up on end and wrapped the rest in cardboard. Ups will ship a bare block as regular shipping. Its a weight surcharge but its better and easier than truck freight. Mine had a timing cover and oil pan bolted to it.

And id do it that way again if I was to do it

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