Because it was just too funny...


Forever New
Jan 15, 2003
It's not really a kill story, but it's danged funny, so here goes.

Tonight I'm coming home from church (I'm a Youth Minister) and after I get off the freeway and drive about two blocks I miss a light. I'm sitting there with no one in front of or behind me, and a little yellow fart-piped ricer complete with double wing pulls up next to me, bass thumpin hard enough to rattle my car, and the guy starts revvin his engine like crazy. I'm ignoring him, because I don't particularly want to get involved in anything, especially when I'm in my own neighborhood where my car is pretty well-known, but he keeps revvin his engine like crazy, and he rolls down the window and starts yelling stuff at me. I couldn't understand the words because of the bass and the exhaust tip, but I notice while he's yelling at me that a white Crown Vic has pulled up behind him. I certain type of Crown Vic. The type that besides their 4.6L V8 also have a light bar up top and a push frame on the front bumper. So I just let him yell. And before long, as usually happens, the light changes. I want a good view, so I don't even touch the gas, I just come of the brake. The yellow buzz-bomb peels out and leaves a few feet of black rubber as he enters the intersection, and before he's across the street there's that light bar looking all pretty and flashing. He got pulled over at the 7-11 on the opposite corner. I just coasted on through and then floored it up the hill. By that time I don't think the cops were paying much attention to the Grandma car in the left lane. I love my Buick!
little yellow fart-piped ricer complete with double wing

I don't think he forgot to use his mirrors but he probably couldn't see behind due to the DOUBLE WINGS!!!