Bad car wreck, please read

I can't even imagine what that family must be going through. Makes all my life's problems trivial. Is the paypal acct setup?:(
Originally posted by seeyabye
I can't even imagine what that family must be going through. Makes all my life's problems trivial. Is the paypal acct setup?:(

We're working on it. Us Texans are kinda slow!:)

thanks, and I agree with you. It kinda puts everything in perspective.
Man, I can't afford it... but I sent what I could.

I hardly ever donate to anything... I help anyone and everyone I can around me, but I never send money blindly like this. This story has really touched me as I have a 9 year old son.

Things have been put in perspective, and my little problems seem like nothing now.

Please keep us posted on thier progress.

My thoughts and prayers are with the entire family. I'm a physical therapist and have worked with 2 children with complete spinal cord injuries. It will always be difficult...but never impossible. Please contact your nearest Shriners association...they offer assistance in rehab costs, etc. for children with spinal cord injuries. Money sent.

God Bless,

Here is a picture of the family, very touching lets step it up. Give what you can afford. It will come back to you 10 fold. :cool:


  • family.jpg
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Hey guys, here is an update for you. This picture above was taken this past saturday night at the benefit concert. We were able to raise approximately $24,000 bucks for the family! the little town where they lived really packed out the gym and all gave a LOT of $$$. I was also told by Raynie that a lot of you guys have given what you could. She said that the Buick guys have already given about $200 bucks! That is great! We all really appreciate you boys.

At one point in the concert, a bunch of Tyler's little friends were out on the gym floor dancing and running around. then, we see Tyler wheeling his wheel chair out there to be with his buddies. One of his friends grabbed his chair and started helping him. then all the kids just kinda made a circle around him, and was playing with him. I had to look away as I really got choked up. It is amazing how little kids accept this kinda thing much better than adults. Tyler was smiling through the whole event. Before he was taken back to the hospital that night, his dad wheeled him up to the stage so Tyler could thank us for playing. He is a very well mannered kid.

Thanks again for all of ya'll's help!:)
I was sitting here this morning with a stack of bills in front of me getting depressed when i read this thread. I had ignored it until now because I figured it was another guy with a bent fender on his GN or whining that he couldn't find a replacement header panel.

Reading all the posts and new articles, I looked in our (Technisolvers) paypal account. three calendars sold yesterday and I had $56.82 in our account.

So, I sent $50.00 to them on behalf of Technisolvers, Inc. (through the Buick guys).

I also stated that in our next meeting, Elmhurst Masonic Lodge #941 will mention Tyler and family under our "sickness and distress" to pray for.

Furthermore, I strongly urged them to contact their local Shriners' chapter. They will help them out, and not ask for a dime.

Did you know that the Shriners hospitals are the only medical institutions in the country exclusively devoted to kids and DO NOT have a billing department? makes you think doesn't it? All the Shriners and other Masonic groups around the country contribute as much as possible with both money and time to the various Shriners hospitals around the country. Think about it next time you see a Shriner fundraiser, or better yet, ask someone about joining in!

Check this out....

Enjoy your day...
Hi Todd. I would just like to say that My Dad and my uncle were both Masons. My uncle was a 32nd degree level. And I also know that you guys do a LOT to help people out, especially children. I know the family appreciates your help, and I do as well. Heck, none of us really have much money to give, but we can all come up with a little bit. And, it feels really good to know we are helping out a mom and her kids that have run into a streak of bad luck. This little family will come out of this OK eventually. They just need a little help getting back on their feet. On behalf of the family, we appreciate all of ya'll's help and concern.:)

Hows things going with the fund raising??

Hey Ty,
According to Raynie, the Buick guys have stepped up to the plate. She has received over $400 bucks from paypal so far, and I'm not sure how much $$$ has been sent to the local fire department by snail mail.

Good news, I have heard that Tyler is coming home from the hospital this week. He is very excited about coming home to be reunited with his mom and little brother.

Thanks again boys!:)