Back from basic training, anyone in Germany?

Chris Wh1

Jan 23, 2004
Well, after months of Army basic training and AIT, I'm finally on leave. I am gonna be stationed at Vilseck, Germany on September 8th and have no clue what to expect. If anyone has been there, is there, or knows anything about it, I would appreciate info on it. It feels great to be home and able to look at the site again!

Thanks in advance,
hay chris what's your mos? I served over seas ( 19 DELTA- CAVALRY SCOUT :cool: ) but not germany, i've had buddies that served in germany, and i'll tell ya they love'd it alot better than korea ( although the -여자-or woman were nice ) germany has alot of holidays i'm sure you'll like it :biggrin:

Vilseck is in a nice area of Germany!! I was stationed up north and was down there alot for training in Grafenwoehr...I think vader87 on here is over there... While I get back to DE often enough, havent been down to the Bayern state in a long time...Good luck down there, training in Graf can be some fun..hehehhe
Yep, I am still here. My email is in my signature so shoot me a mail and I will be happy to chat with ya!
My one friend from school was stationed in Germany for a good while and he LOVED it. He's been dismissed from duty for a while but says if he had the cash he would move there on his own.

Have fun over there and thanks for serving.
Germany is Beautiful @ night when you fly in.

I wish I could have stayed there and visited. When I came back from Iraq, I stopped over there and wished I could tour the place. I have met people that live over there from the U.S. and alot of my cousins were stationed there in the Army, they loved it. Hope you enjoy.
I'm at Ramstein about two hours west of you. You are coming at a bad time (end of summer) but it's still really cool over here. Are you bringing a turbo buick with you?
Rose Barracks

Vilseck and Graf are very out of the way places in Germany. They are close to the cezch(?) border. Very much so in the country and not much to do after dark I remember maybe 3 clubs. Amberg and Weiden are alright small cities both have hockey rinks with nice pools (indoor/outdoor) next to them. Vilseck it's self is small about 25 minute walk tip to tip. The night fire excercises (M1A1) at Graf can get annoying.

I really suggest going to as many other places as possible like MWR trips to Prague or berlin, Paris etc.. You will need to buy a car if you don't bring the Buick. IMHO would not bring my Buick overseas too many horror stories of damaged vehicles getting off the boat. Not trying to jinx you.
Go to the octoberfest. Go to the local dirt tracks races you will meet the wildest car builders ever. Like vw's with Bmw I-6 hangin out the back.There is a cool sand mountain you can ride down but I can't recall where it's at.

I felt like I never left home since I live in the country. I lived there for 3 years .

After you get there let me know if the 94th engineers or the 317th maintenance detachment is still there.
I agree on Graf and Hoefehls. Man seems like I am stationed there and TDY to Wiesbaden :frown: . There are some things to do but its an adjustment. Everything closes at 8:00p.m. and closed on Sundays. Just can't run down to the parts store or Home Depot. Beer and women are awesome. Weather sucks especially down there...lots of snow and SALT on the roads! I will be here for 13 months so give me an email.