Armor All wheel cleaner - aluminum rims


John 15:17
Nov 12, 2001

I have new polished aluminum rims.

I tried the Armor All wheel cleaner, but it leaves nasty streaks that are VERY hard to get out.

Anyone else have the same problem?

The bottle does NOT say "not for use on aluminum wheels". It says "for use on all wheels".:confused:
After i wash the wheels, i use mothers mag and aluminum polish. It's very time consuming but you'll be amazed at the amount of brake dust and dirt that gets pulled out of the metal. Good luck. I hope this helps.
FYI, this TOTALLY worked!

Rims had some funky stains on them from the wheel cleaner.

The Mothers Aluminum and Mag polish took it right off. Prolly took about 20 minutes per wheel.

Of course, I did it in the living room while watching the Marlins game.


Once you get them nice and clean and polished up keep them clean with 1/8 cup of dish soap to a gallon of water. Use a long bristle (wheel) brush. Do not splash on your paint because the soap removes wax. Rinse with clear water. Does a great job, won't leave nasty streaks or stains and does not cost a bunch of $. I would not do this in my living room... :cool: