Anyone found 22 ammo

Good luck. Seems that if you remove the cheapest ammo very few will practice so less of us will be able to hit the target when needed.:(
How true...the ammo for my 45 are easily cant shoot the 45 easily and not at all in competition.. thanx for the heads up on walmart... our government helping us out :)
Went to my local gun shop yesterday and he had all the ammo one person could want or need. I didnt say cheap but in a pinch its there... hell he had a skid of .223....

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app
let this be a lesson to all of us !!!!! a gun is useless without bullets. i wont ever get caught without ammo again. when finances allow i'm gonna get even more !!!!
i agree.....i buy all the ammo i can afford.....but i do not have enough to carry our whole 4h group..
I'm new to the hobby and I had been buying all the guns I could afford figuring the ammo would always be there. Little did I know things like what happened with the shortage could happen and will happen again. I always took for granted that ammo would be available
ttaowner...yes our government has done lots of things lately that i never thought they would.....i have "carried" and hunted for years and have never had an issue especially through organizations like 4h but now wow many things in America are different these days
Check your local sporting goods stores. Like Dicks. Even though they folded last year with the new town crap. But they always get shipments in and ask the workers when those shipments come in. I'm stocked up on .22. Have a over 5k rounds. I need to stock up on handgun ammo now.

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app
none of our locals have jack....too far from a big city...will be looking in jackson, ms friday