Any Job Recruiters On The Board?

Why not just post your issue here?

It looks as though others share the same concern so all could benefit from the collective information.

I am not a recruiter but I am an Ops manager with 18 direct report and 240 or so employees so I do a fair amount of hiring. What is your question?
My first question would be how to get my resume to "stand out" among hundreds or thoudands of others. What key words or attributes would make you choose to look twice at a resume?
I can't speak for all...but for me.....there is no resume trick. I don't care all that much about what your resume says as I do about what you bring to my company.

If you really want advice...I would say keep it short, keep it simple, make it attractive to the eye at a quick glance. Many people agonize for hours over the words they choose etc and in reality, it's the appearance from 3 feet away combined with your relevant experience that would garner you an interview with me.
Thanks, I don't know what questions others might have, but I'm soon to hit the market because my current job will no longer exist as of April 1st. I'm not new to the job search world and I know that I can send out 50 resumes and be lucky to get 1 response. I'ts a tough market for those of us seeking employment.
Thanks Ty...I will check into the website you posted.

The reason I originally posted is because I have my resume posted on and and I am starting to get a lot of phone calls from different recruiters. My original question was in regards to whether or not it is acceptable to work with different recruiters, or should I pick one and work with him/her? Some of my friends who have changed jobs have only worked with one recruiter and others have worked with multiple recruiters. I want to make sure I am not breaking an "unwritten rule" by working with more than one person. :D
Originally posted by brn agn
Thanks Ty...I will check into the website you posted.

The reason I originally posted is because I have my resume posted on and and I am starting to get a lot of phone calls from different recruiters. My original question was in regards to whether or not it is acceptable to work with different recruiters, or should I pick one and work with him/her? Some of my friends who have changed jobs have only worked with one recruiter and others have worked with multiple recruiters. I want to make sure I am not breaking an "unwritten rule" by working with more than one person. :D

I would use a couple and let them know you are working with others. They do not get paid until they place you. If you have skills that they feel are in demand that will all work hard to get you placed. Knowing that they have competition can create a sense of urgency.

I would narrow your recruiter use to a couple that are really focused in the fields that you want to work. Also, you need to network, network, network. More will find a job through friends, relatives, neighbors etc than Monster etc.

My experience with leaving a resume "viewable" on Monster etc is that you get a lot of waste of time calls. I ended up keeping my resume "hidden" and sent it out only to choice job postings.
