Any Bartenders amungst us?


May 6, 2003
I'm only 24 years old, but looking at maybe going back to school and thought that bartending would be a good job to get me through. I'm already making good money, but thinking of changing careers. I just dred taking a pay cut and having the stress of college again. I was just wondering if anyone's had any good experiences with this feild. I have a friend who pulls down $300/night, but she's attractive and of coarse I would think females are going to fare better on tips.

Thanks in advance!

Unless you've got experience or a friend in the right place that can put a good word in for you, it will be tough to get hired. Take a bartending course, couple weeks/couple hundred and start going to bars/clubs and personally speaking with the manager/owner about a gig. Tell them that you are a quick learn and that you just finished the course and go in looking good/cool. Remember, they want good looking people behind the bar if they can help it. Don't seem nervous when your talking to them, be sure of yourself, but not cocky. After a couple places you should be able to get in. They may want to start you out as a runner,bar back. You'll be cutting oranges/limes/lemons and hauling ice until they promote you, or you might get lucky if you seem like you know what your doing and they'll put you on the floor immediately.
If you can get into a popular place, your going to make $. A neighborhood bar?, probably not to much. Happening clubs are the best.
Tips are usually taken in and then divvied up between the bartenders at the end of the night, at least where I"ve been.
It is fun, you will get some very interesting propositions from the ladies and most importantly, don't turn into an alcoholic (unless it's with the GN) It is very easy for this to happen if you work with a good crew and are having a good time.

Good luck