Alert!! Check your Cast Aluminum w/Breathers Valve Covers For SAND!


The White Blur
Jan 31, 2002
This is an alert to anyone running the cast aluminum valve covers with the integrated breathers.

I found a bunch of casting sand in a used pair of these valve covers. The Chinese man didnt get all the freaking sand out of the breather hole!
I dont know if this problem was addressed later on or not, but my used valve covers had a bunch of sand in the inside casting of the breather hole. As you can see, there is a LOT more in there. WoW! I dodged a bullet bigtime!

Well, I just went out and widdled away on the same VC.

This is full of SAND!
I STRONGLY advise anyone with a set of these VC's to pull these immediately and check for sand. You may have had issues with accessive bearing wear or even engine failure because of this sand!
Check pics
This is just 2 minutes of picking sand out!
What exact model of valve covers are those? It would be helpful to know which ones to avoid.
I am not saying avoid this particular product... Im saying watch out for this quality issue.

Here is an update after 30 min. of picking out sand in one valve cover.


This is after i cleaned out the chunks and sprayed brake cleaner through the hole


I'd be tempted to remove the cast in oil shield, just to be sure. At a minimum also remove the casting flash.

This is typical of any sand casting that isn't washed. Nothing new. I've never installed a set of valve covers on any engine without thoroughly washing them.

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See my post about how my air filter chewed up my turbo. I had no idea I had cheap Chinese junk as it only saved a couple dollars if anything. Be conscious of everything and don't take chances where you can. From now on I will be inspecting every part I put on my car as thoroughly as possible to see potential for failure. If you see something like a chrome button that can fall off and eat a turbo, or a hidden area that can trap dirt or grit; its a good idea to be wary of that part and take steps to avoid failure.
Did you even read the original post before you typed a Cookie Cutter response?

This could have damaged the previous owners, or my motor. But thats what I get for buying cheap? Eff you dude!

right back at ya... you buy cheap junk, you get cheap junk.
Bo, what's your status on getting things back together? I finally got back to work on mine last night. Should be firing it up tonight after 3 or 4 weeks of procrastinating. I may take a drive over and see what you're up to.