Accidents ARE funny...


New Member
Nov 16, 2004
This is the funniest thing I've heard this year. I laughed so hard I think I peed a couple drops.:D

This is the description from a forwarded email - I put the file in a yahoo briefcase - hopefully it works.

> This may take a few seconds to download, but it's worth it!!!!
> Speakers are a must!!
> This is absolutely hilarious!!!
> Eye Witness Report
> On a recent Spurs trip, we were asking one of our sponsors who works
> at
> Jack in the Box some funny stories or experiences with the company.
> The funniest story he had was when an operations manager was late for
> a meeting and called his boss to tell him he was running late. As he
> was
> leaving the voice mail message, he witnessed an accident and went on
> to
> provide "play by play" of the incident.
> After telling us the story, he promised to send us a copy of the voice
> mail and here it is. This is the actual voice mail message. It was
> passed along and forwarded so many times within Jack in the Box It
> crashed their voice mail server.
I heard this on the radio driving home last night, it was a scream.
AZ, the short version of it goes like this: dude runs a red light and smacks into a sedan with three or four elderly ladies in the car. Dude then goes up to the sedan acting like he wants to start something and gets maced, beaten with a cane and then another one of the ladies gives new life to the phrase "bible belt"
OK... I HAVE to hear this!

I do not know why I can't DL it or play it. I usually never have a problem.

Can someone PLEASE send this to me?

precisionsplicer on AOL


I was afraid it wouldn't work - does anyone know where I can upload it and have it available to the public (for free)?

It's definately worth it.