A Call to Arms !!! Cross-Post to other Forums


Aug 19, 2002
It seems there is an Ebay vendor out there who "thinks" he has hurt us car enthusiast by Destroying and Re-Listing valuable parts that he wasn't able to sell for his (too large) asking price.
Please have a look


The name is "Reds Cat House", Ebay id is "cougar67-9" and the # is 360-254-5890

Im asking two things here -

1) Do Not patronize his business

WE have the power to show this individual what we think of him destroying valuable restoration parts


NOTE - Link is fixed
It seems there is an Ebay vendor out there who "thinks" he has hurt us car enthusiast by Destroying and Re-Listing valuable parts that he wasn't able to sell for his (too large) asking price.
Please have a look

It's too bad he feels the way he does. But when it comes right down to it.... those parts belong to him and he can do whatever he feels like doing to them. Do you think he should be able to tell you what to do with your property? Thought so. Guys like him are a dime a dozen.... typical cry babies, he is not worth the time to invest in. Why? In the end he still loses no matter what he says.
Obviuosly they aren't that valuable if he couldn't sell them the first time. I aviod selling car parts on ebay as much as possible. There are too many stiffs, to many people with no manners, no sense of class and it just taxes you. I had someone offer me $700 for my set of brand new ATR TT headers ($1100 new) and the kicker was he wanted me to pay the shipping. I held back and just said no thanks.....I would literally bury them in the backyard before i accept a low ball offer.
So basically...

He listeed them intact initially - got some heat from the Buick community for his asking price - he then proceeded to cut them up in revenge?

Am I missing something here?
Anybody with 16 negative and 7 neutral feedbacks won't get a bid from me anyway. As usually buyer beware. He's the type of seller you run from. Not to mention an idiot for cutting up those mint fenders.