911 Remembrance....Let us not forget!!

turbo nasty

Turbo Dojo / MNTR
Jul 19, 2001
Thanx and Respect to all that are and have served in uniform for this country!!

"Terrorism against this country will not stand!" W

i know i'll never forget.

at the club i work i let all military in for free. it's the least i can do for my freedom.

Sadly many obviously have... I will not...

Seems that way. It is not only the solders it is the men and women that lost their lives that day. Those who serve with police and firefighters. The many Americans that came together to help each other. God bless. Dont forget the fallen
I remember.. I was 7 at the time. Two F16's from Otis flew right over my house heading to New York, armed and ready. Also two jets were scrambled from Washington unarmed.. You should really read about that story. Its very remarkable.

I love our Country, Thank you to all res-ponders and military. Never forget.
Never forget 9.11. Prayers go out to all that lost someone on this tragic day. Thanks to all that serve and protect this country and our freedom.
I dont think anyone can forget a day like this........

It will be taught in history classes but most won't understand what it really means. Remember Pearl Harbor? It's just a memory I'm sorry to say, but this is the first time in modern history that the US mainland has been attacked.:mad:

Sadly many obviously have... I will not...

It is sad Shane. I will never forget myself.
My family's hearts are out there for all of those friends and family members that lost their loved ones on this horrible day 10 years ago. Thank you to all of those that also lost their lives trying to save anyone they could that day. To all of those who are dealing with sickness due to breathing the dust and those who were injured that day and are still here alive, hang in there, you are in our prayers as well. And thank you for devoting your time to help save lives that day. Thank you to all of our military personel who have assisted our country to help us preserve our freedom and our fight to keep our world safe.

To those that who caused this horrific day, may you rot in hell and may your sole be tormented and tortured until the end of time. You are scum!
Anyone watching the Mets/Cubs game right now?? It's in New York and is very touching!
I cant believe its been ten years. My 14 year old daughter was watching the history channel 103 min show. She started crying about 10 mins into the show. She had no clue what went on that day. Now she does. This is a girl that never cries