90mm TB & Throttle Linkage


New Member
May 26, 2001
I have an Accufab 90mm throttle body and am wondering what needs to be done to the throttle linkage for this to work. The throttle linkage is still factory, but will be changed if neccessary. Does anyone have any experience with this setup? Any ideas/pics would be appreciated.


Cleveland, OH
I have the same setup in progress (4 bbl conversion)..I took a bunch of pictures at either the Nats or Bristol of various people's to give me ideas. If I can find them on the computer tonight I'll put some up on a web site and give you a link...
Well, it's been a few years since I built my friend's car with the 4bbl intake conversion. I hope that this is right, but if you use a cable from an '87 (I think) Ford Bronco II witha 2.8 V6. The cable is like a Perfect fit. It clips right to the Gas Pedal, it is the perfect length, clips into the firewall, and has the correct end to clip to the ford 90mm throttle body. Also, there's a return spring built into the cable. Check with ford to see if they have any pictures in the parts catalog of it. Or you can call Harry at PT&E he's the one that gave us the idea years ago. Hope that helps!

Good Luck with your project!!