'82 GN saved from parts yard!


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2001
I recieved this e-mail recently. The sender has been sent a link to this thread (hopefully he'll be joining us on the board).

first i would like to thank you for all the data you
have provided on your website. Thanks to your
identification data I did't lose that "Greatest Deal
of your life" as most do. I noticed a local g-body
parts yard (I own a 79 t-type) had a regal up front
(they normally only sale pre-removed parts) the story
was that the engine was run out of oil, and the owner
just wanted to dump it off somewhere so the parts yard
bought it and were planning to disassemble it in a few
days. The body was free of rust or dents paint just
aged, interior was in reasonable shape, and had
t-tops. The car seemed strange some how but i couldnt
quite put my finger on it. I figured i be a great
little project car so I threw him a few figures and we
settled on 200$. A few days later I did a little
internet searching on 82 regals to see what parts
would swap with the a-body 79. I found the page
shortly after and I was well, VERY happy to find out
that i have a 82 grand national (less the rear spoiler
and grand national fender emblems)
but all other identifiers were there!! for 200$!! I
couldnt believe it, I had to read the article 2 or 3
times. It turned out that the trans was bad as well
but by that point i could have cared less. on a scale
from 1-10 as far as the condition it would probbly be
in the 6 range.

Here is my info

VIN# 1G4AJ4745CH226649
143,200 miles
reasonable condition
name: CJ Barkfelt

thank you
I look forward to your reply

That's a great story. And a great deal! I'm glad the website was able to help you ID the car. When I bought my '82 GN, I didn't realize exactly what it was either. I just knew I like it. Finding out what it was, was icing on the cake.

The ‘82 GN uses the same emblems as the ‘84/87 GN’s and it’s still available from GM for a decent price ($30/each?). It seems quite a few ’82 GN’s never got the emblems.

What part of the rear spoiler are you missing, all three pieces? The 84/87 GN is identical on the outside, but different underneath. I would use the ‘84/87 spoiler, because the '82 spoiler doesn’t weather too well. But if you want an original '82 spoiler, I might have a lead on one.

I added your car to the Registry list. The sequence number 226649 falls right in the middle of the other ’82 GN's, which helps verify it is a real '82 GN.

Congrats on the "save". :)