79 Buick Century Coupe


New Member
Apr 22, 2010
I am having a hard time deciding on whether or not to spend the time and money to restore and modify my 1979 Buick Century coupe. The car has the normal wear and tear from being an everyday driver during high school and college. Any ideas on if this is a car worth fixing up will be appreciated. Also, does anyone know of a good source for parts, etc? Plus, how much would it be to say convert it to a turbo coupe?

Any feedback is appreciated!
Not an easy question to answer. It is a unique body style. That's why I love them. Parts to modify the drivetrain (non-turbo), and suspension parts are common and readily available. Modifying a N/A v-6 or v-8 would be easy. Converting to a turbo car gets you into limited parts availability and much greater expense. Body and interior trim parts specific to the Century Coupe are very limited too. :frown:
I would say if the body is solid, and you want to keep it N/A, the definitely fix it up. If considering swapping to a turbo motor, you want to post up in the "before Black" section and gather more info before you decide. :biggrin:
Post some pics when you can. :cool: