660' burn out in my wife's GTO Today


Sep 11, 2003
I took the 86 Grand National to the track today hoping for a new personel best. My wife drove the 05 GTO. I paid for both of them to race just in case. When the 05 GTO had 536 miles I ran 8.6 in the 1/8 and I figured now that I had 4,400 miles on it it should be quicker.
I had the GN cooling down from the ride to the track so I figured what the heck, I would race the Goat while the GN cooled down. It was 48* and I was the second car up to the tree. The track was cold cold. My Goat is an A4 and I learned last time that you can't nail it from a stop, just ease it until you are moving then drop the hammer. I did. From 60' out the speedometer read 100 MPH and nver went under 100 and the rev stayed at the redline all the way down the track. I was looking in the rear view and could see 2 black mark the entire length of the 1/8 mile. If you look at the picture tire smoke is still pouring out from the back of the car well after the finish lights. A lot of people came up to me after the run and were amazed. They wanted to know al about the car. Many did not even know they made a new GTO. It is funny because my trap spped was only 70 MPH but the speedo said 100 MPH all the way down the track. Time for another tire rotation.
Check out the picture of the Goat after running through the traps. Tire smoke is still coming out from behind the car. and you can see the balck tire marks behind. And I told my wife I would not pull a pre-stage burnout :D


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was it just a 1/8 mile track or was it 1/4? if so what was your time because this really stupid kid at my school has an 05 gto and thinks he's cool so I was going to challenge him in my GN and was wondering what they were capable of.
A Bone stock 05 Goat with DR's can run very high 12's, so a lighlty moded GN should whup on him. The goat has an incredidable pull from 90MPH up though. From a dig you should be able to scorch 'em.
I think I scared him I actualy turned a better ET than he did. (see pic) We were side by side most of the way down the track and he kept looking over at all the smoke pouring out and maybe thought I was on fire!!


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