55# injectors and a thumbwheel?


Drive it like u stole it
May 25, 2001
Who can program a thumbwheel chip (Casper's Ultra chip) for 55 pounders?

Thanks in advance,


I have a v3.02 Ultrachip and was looking for custom programming earlier this year - have an extender chip now so I don't need it anymore.

According to Pat Rubio of PTE, since Joe Lubrant left, they cannot do custom thumbwheel chips anymore. BUT, Joe worked for Casper's prior to PTE, and John Spina burns a good chip himself. HTH.
Thanks Toady. That's the direction PTE gave me also. I had Joe L do my last thumbwheel program, but oh well.

Thanks again,
Ed......you're kill'm me. :)

If I were to go the $$ route, I think I would lean toward a Max Effort setup. With all the money I have spent on this boat lately I think I'll stick to the low cost alternative for now.........a chip.:(