5 core radiator


New Member
Oct 25, 2003
Does anyone have a good source for a 5 core radiator? I think my stock one needs replaced, and was thinking of upgrading to the 5 core. Can use any imput on this topic. Am I doing an "overkill" by going to the 5 core?
Thanks to all,
5 rows is too much I think. A good 3 or if you have the $$ a Becool is the best you can get..
I had a local shop assemble a 4 core 1/2inch with oil and trans coolers 2 years ago and have had great luck.
More core does not equal more better;) ..It all depends on what type of core, fpi,... but for real you will probably be better off either just getting the aluminum f body radiator from local auto parts store or getting a radiator from a specialist like Nick Micale.