47K Mile, Unmolested 87 GN for sale in Houston, Texas 16K

Hmmm....If anyone feels the asking price isn't ideal then please make a suggestion. I will be leaving for Dubai around Juy so i'd like to sell it before I leave.
texasterror said:
Hmmm....If anyone feels the asking price isn't ideal then please make a suggestion. I will be leaving for Dubai around Juy so i'd like to sell it before I leave.

That's a fair price IMO
15K. My neighbor scratched my door two weeks ago and I just want this thing gone. Imports here I come (just kidding)!!
It looks great! 49K mile car for only 15G? Out of curiousity, why did you decide on that price? I wish we were closer because I have 15G to spend.
I want to get rid of it. I figured it would move fast at that price. As a matter of fact I' dropping the price to $14,300. It just sits in my garage taking up space.
I want to get rid of it. I figured it would move fast at that price. As a matter of fact I' dropping the price to $14,300. It just sits in my garage taking up space.

Oh, alright. I wish time was on my side so I could consider the car, but it's not unfortunately. glws
Need TONS more information on the car. How many owners. Where has it lived most of it's life, has it ever been in an accident. Ever seen rain? Ever raced? Any stains or tears in the interior? Does it have all the documentation? Any dings or scratches? Any ticks or knocks? Are the windows loose? What options does it have?