2009 Point Series funds


Mean Scott
Oct 2, 2001
As many of you are aware, for more than one reason, there are no sponsorship funds available for the TSM Point Series this year. This was made known at Bowling Green and although some sponsorship funds were offered up for that race in addition to what the GSCA had rounded up, those funds were either returned or are being held over for next year due to the rainout and were not Point Series specific. These monies have historically been collected and added to the registration fees for a pool of money that was split between per-event payouts and the year-end payout.

Through the generosity of others, we may have some sponsorship funds available for year-end payouts but I have my doubts that enough will come in that will make it worthwhile to divide the money between per-event and year-end payouts. Accordingly, I put it to a vote with the TSM racers at BG as to whether we collect the registration fees for 2009. Whereas the racers were leaning towards not collecting the fees, I realistically "sprung" this on most people at the last minute.

If anyone wants to voice their opinion and possibly get the fees re-instated (or raised and re-instated), you have 4 days to do so. :smile:
I vote to keep the points series going with a Fee that the racers must pay be in order to be officially in the TSM point series. Last year I did not join the series which made my opinions weight less and did not allow me to vote on the rule changes. I think this tradition should continue.

I too vote for fees!!!
That way whoever wins gets a little something at the end of the year!
It costs less than 5 gallons of race gas!!!
$50 x ??? = ???

Jason M.
Too Slow To Hang TSM car (TSH)
Sad to see there are no sponsors this year and I felt bad for the way others piled on Chris after the all the leg work he did to get sponsors for TSM and TSO series race winners. I personally felt bad watching what was being said but maybe some day we all could get along and try and work together. Especially in these hard times.

We will continue to pay contingency for winner and runner up at each event.
There was a decent amount of money to be had at Bg if the race would have not been called for rain. Jack Cotton and Champion Heads were the 2 of many. If you had one of their stickers on your car you were good rather or not you bought something from them.