15" chrome wheel needed


Active Member
Nov 4, 2013
I could really use a couple wheels, as 2 of mine are bent bad enough to feel.

I'd be happy to find one or two, but it needs to be straight, with great chrome. I could repaint for the right price wheel.

Anyone have anything ?
If you look in the for sale section under my name, I have a complete set for sale. It is an old post and I havent worried about selling them since they did not sell. Check it out and let me know what you think.
after searching your posts (4 pages in....) i've given up. I see where you've written the same response to two other posters,..... why not just post what your selling instead of making us all search ? ? ?
Thanks Mike. If you were closer i'd be more inclined, but i don't really need a full set, and shipping on top of that would cost even more.... Hopping for now to just find a wheel or two.