109 block in north carolina

As of today , the guy changed his number after a text sent from Christopher Gray lid his ass on fire.

His number 770-906-6527 is no longer in service.

The other number 770-882-6813 is active as of today.

This guy, Kevin Raymond Reeves, is not new with the criminal system and has a pretty good rap sheet of low scum activity.

I will make it a priority to put this guy Kevin reeves behind bars and I will set my example of this deal as simply put " an example".

I am aware I dropped the ball , many factory that could of played role for me to prevent this from happening.I lost money and I highly doubt I will see this engine in my hands .

If I can save a penny for anyone before dealing with this nut job of a meth head. I have done my part in my behalf.

Kevin Raymond reeves
Facebook : Kevinreeves reeves
TB.com member : Turboguy122098


Any other information such as physical home address, birthday I have I can PM.

Thank you all
Piece of shit. You will be served with court papers pretty soon Kevin reeves.

I will make sure I have liens in your pathetic life
Good luck!
Heard some scary stories about this asshole, @ BG....
Someone needs to tear his head off, & hand it to him.:poop: