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  1. D

    Buick 3800 supercharged FWD Bulletin Boards?

    Guys, looking for some info or links to the above. Can anyone here help? thanks Dan
  2. D

    internet sickness part deux

    check this one out. :eek: Notice how a few of the ill quickly identified themselves. :mad: Sure didnt take long for the perps referred to come out from under their rocks to stand up and be counted. Was like guys standing...
  3. D

    TSE class in BG

    Some good comments on what can happen to a race class if things get out of control and what eventually happens to the original intent of the class. D.W.
  4. D

    Michele's post here regarding Nick

    Wondering where that thread went. cant find it. Was it deleted or is it just me not being able to find it? Thought it was somewhere on this bb with a stickey. Any help available from here would be appreciated? TIA D.W.
  5. D

    Michelle from Florida (AKA) Paging Nick Micale - VERY VERY Important!

    helping Michelle out with something she was prevented from posting here